Yall mf's are scary asf cuz i just did my first surgery ever at a theater today and idk how i feel. Cuz yall made it seem like it was scariest thing ever. I mean, the amount of wires and shit they put on me made it seem as tho i was gonna die. It was a keloid removal surgery. It wasn't a big keloid, so they just put me under local anesthesia, which......   1 reply
06 11,2023
Rants [Answer]
07 07,2021
I'm just so afraid of failure, like I'll try something, if I don't succeed at it, my brain just taunts me, I try to work harder at it to improve but it just makes me feel like I'm wasting time at things I have no talent in. I get depressed but I can't cry because I used to cry a lot as a kid and my mom got so irritated that she used to beat me. So ......   reply
07 07,2021
No, I don't experience this anymore but I have some advice from a perspective of higher self love and acceptance. First, understand that unconditional tolerance of yourself is not unconditional love. So you cannot say you love yourself but wish to get a nose job or whatever. The truth is — (and this goes for everything!) once you accept yoursel......   reply
06 07,2021
14 06,2021
no? the doujinshi itself isnt inherently bad bcs shipping anime characters together isnt inherently bad either   reply
14 06,2021
I feel you,I have extra fat in my cheeks so It looks like I still have a baby face even though im legally able to drive. For your case, id say do it just because its your nose and you don’t really grow out of your nose shape as much as face shape.   reply
14 06,2021
14 06,2021
I wanna know are Doujins considered fetishizing mlm. Reading them commenting on them etc.
14 06,2021
I think the only risk to know is that you might regret it later - it might not turn out the way you want it to. I think that's the only thing you should consider. Changing things you don't like about yourself is perfectly fine and acceptable; if it's going to make you feel more comfortable and like your face more, a nose job isn't bad. Also I don......   reply
14 06,2021
I'm cool with it, I've had one before. I don't want to see myself on the mirror and be lookin ugly ‍♂️   reply
14 06,2021
I think there’s nothing wrong with getting plastic surgery. Its your body so you can do what you want. It’s okay to accept your natural looks and it’s also okay for you to change parts of your physical appearance. I have also had thoughts about plastic surgery but also second thoughts. I want surgery on my eyes but I also sometimes feel asham......   reply
14 06,2021
I like them, I kinda wanna Brazilian butt thing   reply
14 06,2021

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