When The Cps officer told me I messed up and should stop doing shit that would get her in trouble. God damn did I hate her   reply
26 09,2020
dark time, very dark times that i'd rather not talk about   reply
26 09,2020
"I tip based on how pretty servers are and you're shit out of luck." Thanks for that one dollar tip...   5 reply
26 09,2020
"I ate your popcorn"   1 reply
26 09,2020
"you should just go and die." it was in the heat of the moment, i don't hold it against them   reply
26 09,2020
"You are so dumb" "you are a mistake" "fucking stupid- why would you do that?" "Your a disappointment" "Wow- your a jerk" "go to hell idiot" yea- what a nice childhood-   2 reply
26 09,2020
"No one likes you because you ignore social cues" is in the top 5 for sure. You can't ignore something you didn't/can't notice in the first place. It may seem small, but it hurt me so much.   reply
26 09,2020
i'd rather not talk abt it   reply
26 09,2020
"You are so fucking useless. How can you not be able to do this???" I say similar things to myself all the time, but hearing it from another person really hits hard.   1 reply
26 09,2020
26 09,2020

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