im sorry your dog is what   reply
24 11,2020
24 11,2020
Kiyuku 2 28 10,2020
1. The most Important issues facing our country are our president decisions and the things he has done to make our country a joke. 2. The candidate I trust the most is Biden. My reasoning is because out of all our runner-ups he’s the most suitable. 3. I do think gender will play a rile because some man make wrong decisions. 4. It’s important......   2 reply
28 10,2020
Ugliano 28 10,2020
It was either this or Reddit.

I have to ask questions about the American election people. I really don't want to ask my family members because they're very uncooperative and hate if I ask questions and I dont have a reddit account or the balls to ask strangers on the streets so here i am.

So if you can please answer a few of the questions : )

1. What are the most important issues facing our country?

2. Which candidates do you trust the most? Why?

3. Do you believe gender will play a role in who people vote for in this presidential election? Why or Why not?

4. Why is it important for people to vote?

5. If you were president what are three things that you would do?

6. How does the Electoral College work? Is it a fair way to elect our president?

7. Who are you going to vote for November 3, 2020? Why?
28 10,2020
07 10,2020
Unfortunately there really isn’t, I have ADHD and my mom would always get mad when I forget things as well as my friends. There really isn’t a way to make them understand since they’re not going through it, rather I started using reminder apps and a journal to keep up with things. Just try to be patient ;)   1 reply
07 10,2020
07 10,2020
I have memory issues, along with whole other mess of things to the point where I and my therapist thinks I have adhd, but I haven't been tested for it yet so I can't say so for sure. Regardless, my memory is shit that and numerous other reasons, yet I can't get my family to understand this... I know I'm 18 and that my family wants me to start getting my life together, but at the same time, I can't help that I forget things all the time! Is there anyway you can get your family to unstand that maybe you're not purposefully forgetting things?
07 10,2020
“Go back to your country.” I remember a classmate of mine said this to me and I usually don’t get insulted but this one really did.   1 reply
01 10,2020
'you'll never be a real boy'   3 reply
01 10,2020
Just die   reply
01 10,2020
"That all I see you do, be lazy and nothing else" "Shut up!" "Fine! Go draw in your dumb binder" "You're wasting your height, why don't do any sports?" "Your drawings are disgusting, why do you like drawing that" "Gays are disgusting" "Why don't you try?" "Why aren't you like ____?" "What now?! Are you going to kill yourself like ___ did?!" "It's......   1 reply
01 10,2020

Search thing


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