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DuckityDuck 24 11,2020
I want pictures please
●Funny pictures
●Mood pictures
★any type of picture★
I want some pictures so that I can look at it when im feeling a certain mood. Give me your best!
24 11,2020
- Lgbtq+
- Men that wear skirts // maid outfits
- Weebs
- Big D energy (respectful/openminded) men
- Ricky Montgomery
- Harry Styles

Anyone else we should add to the list?
12 11,2020
i have no idea what to do. its not like I hate him but i just cant picture me and him in a relationship or me and him being together in the future. so the obvious answer should be rejecting him right? well yes, but what if I accept and then i eventually develop feelings for him? or what if I reject him and regret it I the futute? i wanna live my life to the fullest and not have regrets but its so selfish to risk a mutual friendship for my future well being. what should I do?
16 07,2019