kissing [Answer]
13 07,2020
Way to brag want a medal?   reply
13 07,2020
kissing [Answer]
[DELETED] 13 07,2020
Ok.   reply
13 07,2020
kissing [Answer]
13 07,2020
Not one of the fish in the sea   reply
13 07,2020
kissing [Answer]
13 07,2020
13 07,2020
Did you have a nice dream?   2 reply
13 07,2020
kissing [Answer]
13 07,2020
a normal couple??? I'm not sure what op is talking about LMAO   reply
13 07,2020
kissing [Answer]
13 07,2020
bitch you're either just bragging or trying to be edgy   reply
13 07,2020
kissing [Answer]
Moody Jazz 13 07,2020
if you think hard i think you can answer that yourself   reply
13 07,2020
kissing [Answer]
Zenitsu 13 07,2020
its call Too Much Information (TMI) *picking my nose*   reply
13 07,2020
kissing [Answer]
Latinaaaa 13 07,2020
Huh????   reply
13 07,2020

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