Solve rubix cube [Experience]
26 05,2021
Yes. I take around 54 seconds now I used to hit below 30's but since I stopped using it for about 4yrs. the feel and finger movements are slow. I learned it when I was around 7th grade it was kinda like a trend in our class and we usually had contests.   reply
26 05,2021
Solving 3x3 Rubix Cube [Experience]
01 07,2019
I learnt to solve the Rubix Cube within a week, from YouTube tutorials. I solve it by Layer method. So it takes about 3 to 4 minutes to align all 3 layers. I'm not sure if I should learn other algorithms, to solve it faster. I have a Speed Cube, by Da Yan. It's pretty awesome and smooth.   reply
01 07,2019

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