Something Created Just For You

I have hope for the future of my country’s infrastructure, ngl the politics around the country’s infrastructure is good. There’s a lot of news that my country can become a power house bcs of it. But the politics in general is disappointing tbh. At the end of the day people care more and use money & fame. Celebrity or criminals that do wrong t......   reply
04 10,2023
My country actually just had elections lol. But I will say, the honesty lacked in both parties. Our new president said no one would lose their jobs, but people are. My mother and aunt both are examples. Both work in government offices as well. Another is like, taking away what people have. The old government has distributed flats and land for peo......   reply
04 10,2023
Well as an American, there is this constant narrative that the politics in our country are currently uniquely volatile, but they're not. When you look at other Western countries like the UK with a party that is hated but the people can't do anything about it , Canada with kind of the same story, and France where they're looking down the barrel of e......   3 reply
04 10,2023
Just your personal opinion
I’m thinking about majoring in political science possibly ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I know politics are always controversial, and this is just a dumb manga site, but I like learning about stuff and hearing different perspectives.
04 10,2023
Stop adding "sexualities" ffs.   8 reply
23 05,2021
Don't get me wrong. I love all women and think women as a whole are just stunning. But Redheads.. I don't know they just hit different.   1 reply
07 03,2021
kekekeke [Experience]
Undertaker~kun 07 03,2021
We're the reason therapy was created   2 reply
07 03,2021
꧁Join my BL/Yaoi server?꧂

There’s not a lot in there yet since it’s new. We're still few but we are really friendly and talkative (we hope u dont hate us for that). (⌒-⌒; )
/ Anyways, here’s what we have: ^-^
•Bots (Yui, Mudae, Mee6, etc.)
•Chatting channels
•BL and GL channels
•Anime,manga,gaming related channels
• We also have memes, spamming, venting, music, and other channels too
•Friendly admins and members~!
•~Everyone and anything is accepted in here~ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
•(Although there might not be many people, we’re pretty chill to talk to)( ^^)/★

Suggestions to improve the server are very much welcome! ☻
☾Perhaps join? It’ll be very much appreciated!☾
Please don’t join to just to leave right away...! We are newbies to making servers, give us a chance. (•ᴗ•)و
22 11,2020
HAVE AN AMAZING LIFE!! Btw, you don't need to change a thing Here are some cute cat pics uwu〜   2 reply
29 10,2020
I just followed you because of this, that's so nice! Have an amazing day too!   1 reply
29 10,2020

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