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I see a lot of similar questions of "user you see the most" and I wonder if there's anyone here that ACTUALLY wants to be on that list. I'm neutral on the matter because I don't have the desire to be known even though I do answer a lot of questions from time to time. But I'm sure other people are different.

Do you or do you not want people to recognize you on this site? Genuinely asking and I won't shame. (can't say for others though.)
15 03,2024
I'm too lame to have any
18 03,2021
Person A: *takes chocolate gold coins out of their bra and is sad that they’re melty*

Person B: *stares in confusion*

Person A: *notices person B staring* what? you want one?

Person B: uhhhhh... sure?

Person A: *gives coin*

Person B: *takes coin and licks it*

Person A: Haha, what are you doing silly? The aluminum isn’t edible.
21 02,2021
So I was curious about what music do people here listen to.
I want you to tell me about a band or an artist that you listen to, give me just one and tell me why you like them!
Oh, and give me one of there best songs (In your opinion) so that a could listen to them.
28 06,2019
28 06,2019
Hello, it's been a while that I was wondering something about myself. How can I know if I'm asexual ?
To begin with, I've never watch porn, nor wanted to watch one, never "pleasure" myself and never wanted it either. I dated a guy not so long ago. Whenever, we were doing "adult stuff" I was always trying to convince myself that I was enjoying it, but to be honest I didn't feel anything. Is it because he wasn't THE one ? Or am I asexual ? (I am 20y.o between)
Can someone help me please ? ╥﹏╥
28 06,2019