... [Experience]
14 11,2023
Things I will never understand:And it's heartbreaking to hear people's stories about harrassment, which has left them traumatized for life.   1 reply
14 11,2023
11 06,2021
I was extremely competitive when I was young and used to ironically love mathematics. Now, I'm in university, I just want to say that I know mathematics is helpful and everything around us involves some kind of math related bs in it. BUT, at the same time, mathematics can suck my ass, choke on a cactus, and die. If I cannot kill university mathe......   1 reply
11 06,2021
Mth [Experience]
Kazai koheè
01 05,2021
I used to enter math competitions while I was in grade school. Math is something I really enjoy doing. Since I thought math was easy, I grew up to be good at it. Before they start putting letters in their place. Math is now my enemy.   1 reply
01 05,2021
no i never join [Experience]
01 05,2021
no i never really like math also ihate it and im really bad at it like really bad at it is just to much and can make my head fell like explode   reply
01 05,2021
Competitions [Experience]
BLtaku 28 09,2016
I dislike them, contrary to the answer in regards to maths competitions below ahaha. In the school that I go to, taking a nationwide maths competition - I think perhaps yearly, is compulsory for all extension and advanced maths students. You could almost say that I fear maths competitions; with every coming year, I am increasingly scared to see the......   reply
28 09,2016
Math Competitions [Experience]
10VEMIX 20 03,2016
I did my first one when I was in 3rd grade, and I have been doing them ever since! This year, we are finally going to Nationals! I seriously suggest doing them. It doesn't matter if you are bad at math, it's also a good way to interact with other people. I've made, like 10 new friends through math competitions!   2 reply
20 03,2016

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