I love being ragebait person Every person who disagree with me r like my lover to me Its my kink when people try to put me on my place Its my favourite I love being kinkshamed Its like people kinkshamed my kinkshamed kink It turn me on so bad i wanna get pounded while someone being harsh on me   reply
28 days
Birds aren’t real. They’re government drones sent to spy on our EVERY move……. You ever see them sitting on power lines? That’s them recharging their batteries pack. Have you ever had bad reception? Is the birds. They’re obstructing frequencies, injecting chaos into the lives of innocent bystanders. Even as far back as the 60s we kn......   2 reply
28 days
Candy corn is not as disgusting as everyone makes them seem. It probably has a lot to do with where y’all get candy corn from. I remember my uncle gave me candy corn to try while on a road trip and I didn’t want to be rude so I tried it and was shocked at how good it was. No I don’t remember what brand or where we were and no I haven’t boug......   reply
28 days
Sometimes, it’s okay to hide yourself. I feel like we often encourage people to be their true authentic self but that’s very much a privilege we all don’t have. It’s okay to lie and wear a mask if it makes your life easier. Just find spaces were you can take the mask off.   reply
28 days
It's ok to cut off people from your life because they're mentally ill. U don't have to put up with anyone's bs and ruin ur own mental health just bc a person has a mental health issue, whether it be depression or anything else. If u choose to stay with them and it ruins ur mental health, that's ON YOU not them. Also if u don't choose your lover o......   1 reply
28 days
No need to defend it cuz I don't need people's validation. You're always right babes, don't let strangers fight you on your most controversial opinion   reply
28 days
im not naive enough to fall for ths. this is just to stir the pot n get ppl to argue, nty hunny   2 reply
28 days
Yaoi are piece of shit Some of Woman are suck they are always using Victim card, they make every small thing a big thing If you dont like life because ur ugly then focus on things that are great, Why stuck on negative when you can just have the positive. Hate from social media are most stupid   reply
28 days
Every time I see posts like these all I see is "start a war in the replies". Don't get me wrong, I'm very tempted to post my controversial opinions buuuuut, then I realize how easily people get upset on this site and Ima just uphold my peace. Teehee   1 reply
28 days
Not liking Arcane is a red flag. CatVi deserved their happy ending, and the Caitlyn KKK and hitler jokes aren’t funny. For the first one, if you don’t know, arcane is an EXTREAMLY diverse and inclusive story, they have deaf, trans, gay, mute, blind, crippled, poc, and they also have VERY accurate representation of mental illnesses and depress......   4 reply
28 days

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