I've heard quite a few of my friends say that BL is nothing but people who like gay men and hacertified no awareness of LGBT+. However all of them were not part of the community. And most of the people I've met in the community are very aware of it. Is it jusT my delusion? I wanna know if yall are just here for gay or if you have a bit more awareness. I really hope it's the latter.
24 07,2020
I was still in the closet and almost every day for a year, I had to listen to my gradmother screaming about how gay people are sick and that they should all die - by her hands, preferably   2 reply
16 05,2020
i'm a fifteen yo bisexual female, and truthfully i've known since elementary. i would naturally finds girls absolutely stunning, want to marry pretty cartoon girls, and etc. i never found it to be a big deal that i wanted to marry girls and boys. i'm an atheist and my mom isn't all that religious, she believes in god but doesn't believe the bible a......   2 reply
16 05,2020
"It would've been better if you were straight"   2 reply
16 05,2020
Truthfully, I’m actually straight but it really pisses me off when people are disrespectful/rude to the lgbt community. I have a lot of friends who are gay and I’ve heard them be called every name in the book. I don’t know how anyone can treat another person so awfully just because they are different. Anyway, there was one time where I real......   5 reply
16 05,2020
The worst someone said, it wasn't specifically directed at me, but the whole community, that the LGBTQ+ is same as nazi's that we brainwash people.... And that in certain aspects we were even worse then them.... I was just... no words.   3 reply
16 05,2020
Well the thing is ima model now and back then but back then I was girl and now I ima trans guy I'm happy that I got keep my job lol .but I have been called the faggot to my face my own family it really broke me but my bf and my friends were there for me that really made happy and probably the reason I'm still alive. I did selfharm to cope it was f ......   3 reply
16 05,2020
I'm really sorry that has happened to you. No one should face such judgement just for loving unconventionally. Reading your story, I'm really thankful and lucky that I live in a relatively supportive environment. I remember when I came out, my friends were really supportive, my parents still treat me the same way and all's fine and dandy. Those who......   reply
16 06,2019
Being a part of the LGBT community, what's the most
hurtful thing someone said to you?

Just to share, I'm gay and I've been called "disgusting" straight to my face. Someone even told me "If you don't change, you'll end up alone someday". . . He even called me a faggot.. It's not for you to say if I'll end up alone someday. You don't have an idea how much I've been through for you tell me those things. And if I end up being alone someday, I'll gladly accept that path. I'm ready for that possibility. So don't remind me of that, because I've already thought of it a hundred times even before you did. My life will continue being a story of bravery. Yes. I still keep getting hurt by those words everytime a person say that to my face. To be called a "disgusting faggot" who'll end up being alone someday. Who'll end up being left. Those words still make my breathing slower everytime I hear them. But, you're just another one of those people. And not just another one of you could waver this courage down. This "faggot" is a resilient fuck, who'll slap you with you're stupid judgements.
12 06,2019

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