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until the questions here are made by people who touch grass im spamming until i die
22 04,2021
anyways i just saw a community of the bnha fandom hating on mineta for being a pervert wich is understandable but like the nosy bitch i am i just looked into their information and shit like that and found out they sexualise girl minors in real life
22 04,2021
ok, heres my part of the story.
i am SO tired of being alone, i read SO many GLs and BLs and SLs and all i see are couples, I GET SO JEALOUS EVEN ON TIK TOK PEOPLE ARE DATING, and im like, "why cant i have what they have?" ITS SO FRUSTRATING and i need to tell someone, please. im so frustrated, plz answer me if you have been feeling this way too because i know i cant be the only one.

usually most of the times im like, "ew, yuck, relationships suck" but other times im like, "I WANT TO HAVE A GF" its so sad and im so sad and i think we're all sad too

if ur in a relationship im happy for u but im so jealous too
i think reading all these mangas made me realize how lonely i really am
im gonna cry myself to sleep for the 38543785478th time
21 02,2021
sooo im pretty sure we all suffered from THAT question cuz we didnt get the sauces (´༎Д༎`) so i decided to make this question where ( if u want to ) post good manga panels with the sauce or post pics u wanna know where its from ( charming people will try helping u ) ( ̄︶ ̄)>
( thx for reading and sorry about my bad english )
15 02,2021
hi, so i have a do yall feel pleasure from pain? dont get this in a wrong way im just curios. im totally okay with it but like how?? sorry for bothering you, my curiosity cant calm down sometimes and id like to know -.-'
31 01,2021
31 01,2021
It was my first day of school, and I got bullied for having an anime backpack. For the entire week, people teased me, and boys kept saying I only watch anime for the guys, and that I should burn my backpack. I told my parents, but since the boys are only saying these things, they barely got in any trouble and continued.

I feel so horrible right now, why do people think that girls can't watch anime? Why are weebs bullied? Why do people even hate anime??
31 01,2021
My parents just left the house and I wanna wait for them to get back and come out as pansexual to them
But I'm not really that confident
What are some of your coming out stories?(if your comfortable talking about it)
30 01,2021
Like coping with anything you're dealing with?

For me it's music. I'll play R&B, Rock, or any music I'm feeling to make me feel better.

I get sad/insecure often because social media can really affect you.
30 01,2021
you see that little clock like thingy next to your pfp at the top right yah that,SHOW IT TO ME,SHOW ME YOUR MANGA HISTORY.
30 01,2021
anyone else stressed doing hw so they decided to not do it at all.

and now they’re stressed about not doing it.

idk how to explain it but basically i got stressed about hw so i didn’t touch it but now i’m stressed about how i didn’t do it idk man
22 01,2021
With the recent taku-lust rose drama and the fruity loop drama,lets take a break and send some love to everyone.Gimme wholesome,funny,heart warming pics or screenshots or anything
22 01,2021
I know the difference between right and wrong but ngl I'm a bit confused lately. Do you think in the future that all (or most) crimes would be justified? Well, maps exist so probably. I hope it doesn't reach that point though. When is crime 'right'? Is there ever a time for crime to be justified? Do you guys think we'd ever survive without the government? Okay this question is kinda dumb but I still hope you can answer. Do you guys ever think we'd be happy if money didn't exist and we could get all the good things for free?
07 06,2020
I made a whatsapp group for everyone, who feels lonely, no friends, depression, anxiety, phobia, or just wants to talk. I‘m looking forward to you! Everyone can join, no matter who you are or from where you are. Invitation link:
03 06,2020
Day 31 05,2020
Who else first animated yaoi (or manga) had rape vibes cause mine was no money
31 05,2020
Hey there!! We've made a whatsapp group chat dedicated to yaoi/bl and we were wondering if anyone else here wants to join (=・ω・=)
We welcome everyone (preferably +16, but either way it's your choice)! If you're interested, just leave a message (also pm if you prefer) and I'll reach up to you ;)
30 05,2020
30 05,2020
I’m just saying this because I know that a lot of people on here are LGBTQ members. There is a group of homophobic bigots starting an operation called “Pridefall” people taking part in this operation will be posting homophobic, transphobic, nasty things about the LGBTQ+ community on social media. Do not respond to them, and do not engage with them. They are doing this to lure out members of the LGBTQ+ community. They will track down, dox, and out you to your family & friends. They could hurt you, and they could hurt those around you. Sorry to bring this up here but I just want you all to know.
That being said, here’s my question: what’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
30 05,2020
For me, I just think of the worst scenario I could be in and remember that God could make that happen but it's not that effective. I also do more research about it and try to find "proof" about it. I put quotation marks because sometimes the proof isn't definitive evidence. In the end you'll never know unless you die. I want to know other people's ways so I can try be more motivated than I already am.
30 05,2020