Cool, so what we gonna do?   1 reply
05 07,2021
Answering my own question bc I'm desperate~   reply
05 07,2021
Aw great, I was looking for a volunteer to murder me (literally)   1 reply
05 07,2021
Are you bored?
Do you want to try roleplay?
Then, look no further,
'cause, I'll be your willing partner (all rhymes were unintentional)
We can decide on the scenario together...
05 07,2021
Eh [Experience]
Levixin 05 07,2021
I don't really need friends in my defense. I mean, I'm fine being alone. I like being alone. If someone wants to be friends, then if go ahead. We can be friends but friends only. No normal best friend shit. You text me, I text back but I will never text you first.   reply
05 07,2021
no more friends [Experience]
05 07,2021
I dont want to have friends anymore. I have a few from high school and they are enough for me. in college I can't even trust anyone to talk anything. I feel like they are waiting for me to make a mistake and when I did they will kick me when I'm on the floor. damn I have trust issues.   reply
05 07,2021
Hi! [Answer]
20 06,2021
Bestie drop the sauce   1 reply
20 06,2021
20 06,2021
ilikegojostoes so bad
20 06,2021
Hi! [Answer]
hye bitches
20 06,2021
can you post all the answer? i mean, not the answer but the people who answer it, i want to see lol   1 reply
20 06,2021

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