11 03,2024
Just break up. Do it cleanly. Cut off all contact. I'm not saying this from religious aspects. I'm not even going to bring religion in this. But in general, when people have different view to life to this extent, they are bound to clash and you guys will just hurt each other if you stay together   reply
11 03,2024
11 03,2024
Well, if God exists, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind if we humans didn't believe in them, they aren't narcissistic assholes, so why would they care about our approval? We are insignificant in comparison to them, so don't put too much pressure on yourself if you can't practice your religion seriously.. I mean it's just me, a Roman Catholic, who d......   reply
11 03,2024
11 03,2024
If he starts to use physical or psychological blackmail to make you do any kind of religious stuff that's a BIG red flag. Breaking up with him and ending toxic relationship is fine you don't need to wait for him to leave you.   reply
11 03,2024
toilet terrorist
11 03,2024
{Verily, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depth (grade) of the Fire; no helper will you find for them.} [Al-Nisa 4:145]  {They swear by Allah that they are truly of you while they are not of you, but they are a people (hypocrites) who are afraid (that you may kill them)} [al-Tawbah 9:56]  {And when it is said to them: ‘Make not mischief on ......   4 reply
11 03,2024
Tulsi pata
11 03,2024
Why are you dating him if he never listens to what you say? And why is he dating you since he is so religious and dating is haram?You are not a muslim if you dont really belive in god. And if you dont believe in god and dont want to be religious then why are you going to fast? This is so confusing..   2 reply
11 03,2024
TheSuperBunny 11 03,2024
It sounds like you don't really like him, how about talking with him properly about it (religious stuff)? Or even breaking up or taking a break   1 reply
11 03,2024
venti supremacy
11 03,2024
No offense to religious people but one thing that irks me the most about them is that most of them always like to drag you into their religiousness like PLEASE DO YOUR OWN THING AND LET ME DO MINE . . . . (Hoping not to get canceled for this)   3 reply
11 03,2024
Religious beliefs [Question]
11 03,2024
Tomorrow ramadan fasting month starts n I'm gonna start fasting. My bf who's really religious keeps telling me to start fearing **Him**(God) n to tell u the truth, I'm not really religious.
I follow my family's religion but I'm not so orthodox, i dun wear hij@b n i dun offer 5× prayer daily. I'm not a bad person, i just dun believe in God much.
I dun think I've committed any grave sins, I've been living a simple life n i dun want to box myself in religious restrictions. Ik he's not wrong about his intentions, but I'm just not interested in it. Tbh, even my family doesn't bother me much about it. I'm a studious person n use my time to get the academic validation.
He never listens to what I've to say. I dun think he even plans on leaving me bcoz even if i tell him to find someone who's religious instead, he just brushes over it, ignoring what I've said. It kinda stresses me out ngl. I even told him it's haram to date, so why bother dating me at all. He literally doesn't care what i say ong
11 03,2024
11 03,2024
damn, might as well ask mangago which underwear color I'm gonna wear for my job interview   4 reply
11 03,2024
vasya 11 03,2024
Depends on ur country. If there is a strong “motorcycle culture” with the roads full of them then it makes more sense than in countries where most ppl just drive cars. A motorcycle you own also offers far more freedom than a car you borrow (and if your family are strict or unlikely to loan the car often, it’s a no-brainer that you should prob......   reply
11 03,2024

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