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It piss me off when i read something cute or wholesome and ppl say omg its not realistic like girl we all read to take break from real life like im here for wholesomeness and getting happy ending i dont care if its not realistic that is why its called fiction and tbf i want realistic as when mc get SAed abused leave not like 80% of yaoi manhwas and i dont want to he realistic as sometimes they cant escape cause im here to read abt happiness that i most likely wont get to experince so that is why i hate it lol
21 02,2024
So I finished reading A little life (I am in SHAMBLES rn) and I'm back to my reading books era, so recommend me the BEST books (if it could be sad or dark or traumatic or just like a little life it would be great) you've ever read. Also I LOVE plot twists btw so recommend me stuff that will blow my mind (I'm not really into detective stories tho)
It can be online novels (stuff like orv as an example) or wtv it don't matter
21 02,2024
02 08,2023
I was back on ao3 reading fanfiction and I fear I've gotten so picky with my fanfiction now cause I got spoiled with good ones and now I'll drop most fics because it just ain't "it"

Like the overly superficial description of the characters

("his baby blue eyes so besutiful were the doorway to another world and his small waist so grabable" "his huge and tall frame was perfect for holding him")

or when they are just too overly OOC that I can't recognize them anymore and just cringe of 2nd Hand embarrassement *sigh*


Anyway do you guys have reading pet peeves and since this is a manga site and not fanfiction site please feel free to include them, I just wanted to get this off my chest ☠
02 08,2023