Hate doing shit outta order but ill do it for u man   reply
15 10,2023
(Still a wip) [Experience]
15 10,2023
We satisfied yet? lmao (still layering n shit ofc)   2 reply
15 10,2023
Old art [Experience]
15 10,2023
15 10,2023
WIP [Experience]
15 10,2023
  2 reply
15 10,2023
Why do we laugh when we murder people in video games? It's like the more gruesome the death is, the funnier it is. People murder prostitutes, run people over in cars, shoot up random people for no reason, blow up people, get them mauled to death by animals. Like yesterday I saw this video of a guy (in a game) who had accidentally caught himself on......   reply
04 02,2021
its called fan service dumb4ss, none of these adults actually like doing that shit.... they earn more money than you'll ever do, shhh   1 reply
22 12,2020
I thought this was a website for Manga/Manhwa/Manhua, how’d this shit escalate so fast   reply
10 12,2020
Not me answering mostly "neutral" because I'm stupid or anything.   1 reply
10 12,2020
That part about transmedicalism is kinda misinformation. The definition is: Transmedicalism is broadly defined as the belief that being transgender is contingent upon experiencing gender dysphoria or undergoing medical treatment in transitioning.   1 reply
10 12,2020
Not gonna lie I had to search up what a lot of those words mean   reply
10 12,2020

Search thing


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