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hi been off mangago for a WHILE when i did check back occasionally things didnt work whats been happening since i was gone yall
12 days
HOW DO I SPEND MY 19TH? LIKE WHAT DO I DO? isnt something special supposed to happen? cuz like i study eat sleep repeat tf
18 03,2024
Okay uh so i dont have any experience in dating at all but then one day i was confessed to. Honestly i feel bad turning them down so I accepted and we became official (ik it sounds stupid) but honestly we've known each other for less than 2 days and it was going very fast and im scared bcuz idk what to do. Man's be love-bombing me when we just met for less than 2 days. So I decided to call it off and tell him that I think it's better if we stay as friends. He said okay but he's also waiting for me. Atp I really don't know what to do since he's younger than me so he kinda acts like baby sometimes and I lowkey dislike it BUT I FEEL LIKE I JUST DROPPED INTO DEEP HOLE AND I FEEL REGRETFUL. He's nice and all but at the same time it felt wrong. Should I actually wait for him because I think that he'll change with time. If there's someone who actually read this, ily so much.
18 03,2024
I have this bestfriend, I like her but I don't know if she like me back. I asked her if she dated anyone in our school and she said yes, she told me all their names. The problem is, is that they all have that clear skin, straight eyebrows, perfect teeth, and everyone talks to them. and im weird, i have pimples, cricked teeth, uneven stupid eyebrows, i dont socialize and i study alot. I really wanna know how I should upgrade myself, or if anyone have any, like, tips on how to make her like me pls tell me. I'm to poor to afford braces or expensive skin care where I live. I think she thinks I'm gay, idk. Help a friend out
18 03,2024
17 03,2024
me when I rant on mangago questions…. I hate that whenever my dad and I fight, I’ll rant to my momma abt it. And every single time I do she’s ALWAYS like “oh well that’s js how ur dad is” “don’t be upset you should’ve done ____ instead” and literally not see my fucking point but when my dad is rantingg to HER she’ll be like “oh she shouldn’t have done that” “why would she do that??” Like HELLO? just because he’s ur fucking husband doesn’t mean u should fucking dickride him and take his side immediately… and bcos I told on him to my mom I KNOW he’s gonna make fun of me and laugh ab how I was so upset for no reason I told on him. A girl can’t do SHIT without a man hating omfg sorry mangago users.
17 03,2024
I hate my period sm man i feel sick and like i want to throw up no matter what i do even if it's just moving and i want to eat But everything smells bad or just the thought of food makes me want to throw up and i want soup i can't get rn anyway this had no point i just needed to conplain
17 03,2024
17 03,2024
Man I wanna be a cat sosos bad no school no work no nothing just miaumiau and sleep
17 03,2024
zhaeuihyunie 17 03,2024
who's ur fav author??
17 03,2024
mine is currently Only by Leehi i luvv it (=・ω・=)
17 03,2024
17 03,2024
How do you guys answer questions lightning fast bro like I post a question and in 3s there's fucking pooplover9999 responding with "Yeah I know this manga *insert link*" like how
17 03,2024
17 03,2024
What are yalls MBTI?? If you don't know urs feel free to take a test at but its ur choice! Mine is INFP(i was ENTP for 2 years but school got me turn back into an I and F)
17 03,2024
I know it sounds weird. But, do you guys ever obsessed/fall in love with someone that you don't even know their face? And i wonder what this feeling called.
08 02,2024
Tomorrow 10pm pst time we’re watching twilight

(Join if even just to check us out!)
26 01,2024
Ok mini rant here but also questioning does anyone else just like want to have a relationship but like the thought of like erring close to someone just like freak you out like?

I’m like 90% sure I’m asexual like the thought of doing it with another human being just disgusts me and I don’t think I could ever wanna do it but I’m now questioning if I’m also aromantic because I like the thought of a relationship but i don’t think I could ever get that close with someone

A situation I’m in right now is a person in my friend group definitely likes me and has asked me to hang out and go to a look out spot by the lake to look at the stars or sum and he’s really nice but I had made myself sick at the thought of going to hang out with him alone and like thinking of the fact that if I ever got in a relationship with him I would have to bring up the fact that I’m asexual and I haven’t really told anyone that yet and I think it would be embarrassing ish
19 01,2024
WHERE MY FELLOW AFRICANS AAAAAT !?!?! I don't even like football but it's the most fun competition eveeeeerAlso which country do you wanna see go ?? For me it's Algeria, Nigeria and Cameroon
19 01,2024
So like I'm bisexual but I came to realize I'm probably allosexual or aromantic as wall because I when I think about it I didn't really ever had a crush before? but I'm pretty sure I've felt sexual attraction before? But maybe I did have a crush before but I just didn't realize or something? But even so the point is it's VERY hard for me to feel something for someone when it comes to romance and stuff like that and tbh I really don't want a relationship or marriage or anything like that in fact sometimes I think I don't even want to have sex with someone because I low-key think it's gross but sometimes I also think I'll be ok with it? So honestly I'm kinda confused but whatever I'll find out what I am later in life
19 01,2024
Is it me or lots of manhwas are either ending or going into hiatus ? Like the past few weeks I’ve seen so many manhwas on here and on webtoons either going on hiatus or ending. And some are ending with like 50 chapters while some stuff have 400+ chapters and just keep dragging (I’m talking about those action manhwas). So many stories ending at the same time makes me kinda melancholic.
19 01,2024
[DELETED] 19 01,2024
Your 10th picture is of your soulmate lol...
Do you believe in soulmates?? I don't (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
19 01,2024
I just wanted to post this so i could show people what demetrius would look like if he didnt gel the shit outta his hair and people's opinions cuz yall that haircut betrayed him
09 01,2024
09 01,2024