Fake Dating [Answer]
Uknowmmmmmmm 06 04,2024
If you’re seriously feeling uncomfortable with the whole thing you should have a serious talk with her and make sure she understands that you don’t want anymore from her than this fake relationship and that you want to end it.   2 reply
06 04,2024
Fake Dating [Question]
06 04,2024
It's a bit long but please bear with me, I just have to get this out of my chest because I'm starting to actually get worried.

So me and a friend of mine I met in the cos com from another city decided on April 1 to set each other as our 'in a relationship' on Facebook (in my cos acc). Everyone started believing it and we found it funny. I was gonna call it quits after like a week but then she suggested we do it for a month then say it was a prank. I agreed because why not? It was just a joke. Then people started taking it way too seriously and I mean DM-ing me and @ us in our GCs to confirm. I just brushed/dodged all of them off because it'll end soon anyways. Then the other day, she says that she was dmed by her friend that another girl who likes her was crying (this girl was also a friend of that friend). It wasn't as serious at the time but then I guess some stuff happened and it became more serious because the girl was seriously heartbroken and was in the same circle as my friend so I had to think of a way out of this because we can't call it a 'prank' anymore because she said she'll 'lose her friends'. Just 2 days ago I had to have a serious talk with my other close friend (who's friends with all the people mentioned above) and pretend like we're actually in a relationship. I explained to him that our relationship was just out of a whim and it wasn't that serious so he shouldn't be surprised if we do break up soon because me and that girl mutually know that we'd do it sooner or later. I downplayed that whole incident in my previous sentence because honestly in reality I was talking to him for like 5hrs. He was convinced, but he really likes our relationship so I feel like shit because I don't want him to. Additional knowledge, he was the one who was shipping the girl and my friend together, he also apologized to me because he might have been the cause for the development of that girl's feelings. Anyways after I told my friend that, she was relieved and told me we should extend our 'dating trial' to 2 months. Honestly I didn't want to but she made it hard for me to refuse by saying 'it would look suspicious' if we called it off after just 1month.

In my opinion there was no need for the extension and now I'm stuck in this fake relationship. She's been acting as if we're actually in a relationship recently too, heck even before all of this blew up she was already acting as if we're serious (I told her to just joke about it or dodge questions) so people believed it even more. She honestly made this whole thing complicated for me when I just wanted to prank people for like a week and call it off. Now people think this is my 'first relationship' when it's not. Now I'm going to have to deal with how to solve everything including the aftermath when all the problems came from her side. I guess I'm just frustrated with how careless she handled things when she knew people were already believing us but she made it even harder to call this all off as a prank by telling them a whole ass story about it and making it look like we're in a serious relationship. If she just followed the original plan we could've come clean easily but now look at what happened. People are even questioning my sexual preference because of it and I hate it. I'm stuck in a relationship I don't want just because my friend fucked things up on her side. I'm seriously going to play this whole shit off after this because I don't want anyone to think this was a serious relationship to begin with.
06 04,2024
Stardust 14 01,2024
Can we add Jinx and Waterside night. Most dogshit manhwa I have read in a while   2 reply
14 01,2024
OMG we'll make a great couple   1 reply
02 12,2023
Welp, guess I'm dying alone :')   1 reply
02 12,2023
I know they 3 miles away from me but which direction ?   1 reply
29 11,2023
think things through [Experience]
20 11,2023
It was nice at first but now things are getting boring and I'm getting sick of him, which is probably my fault I have a tendency to get tired of things quick and apparently that also applies to people too. And now I don't really know what to do, weather I should break it off or just go through with it. It's funny cause at first I liked him so much ......   1 reply
20 11,2023

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