01 06,2021
Yeah, I think you are. Like you said, you can be lactose intolerant from birth but it's rare, it's usually something you become. I know cause, my boyfriend became lactose intolerant at 21 years old, nine years ago just like that. And for him it's really the deepest form, as we live in France, he can't drink milk at all anymore and he can't eat c......   2 reply
01 06,2021
Amogus   reply
01 06,2021
Apparantly I look like the saddest bitch out there. I'd just be relaxing my muscles and everyone around me will go ArE yOu OkAy??? Like fucking God I'm just calculating the amount of allowance I have left after buying 2 BTS Meals   reply
01 06,2021
I'm worried that if I re-read something too much I'll get sick of it, so I try to have a 'cooling off' period of sorts, at least, to give me some time to forget about the story then read it again.   reply
01 06,2021
01 06,2021
I'm 99,9% sure you're lactose intolerant.   2 reply
01 06,2021
I just stare blinkless for hours with a pale face and eyebags that makes me look like i haven't slept in days which is true.   reply
01 06,2021
i think i got a resting sad face, cause people would ask me what's wrong and try to comfort me when i either daydream or just stare off the space lol   1 reply
01 06,2021
Does having stomach aches after drinking milk mean you are lactose intolerant?

I mean, this never happened when I was younger, but I heard you can get lactose intolerance as you grow older.

I want to eat my cereal comfortably without having to find a toilet within the next hour for a number two.
01 06,2021
01 06,2021
People always asks if im angry at them because of my resting face   reply
01 06,2021

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