03 07,2024
Nah i don’t think so I mean they probably have an account but to go on forums probably not tbh as weird as it may sound their is actually a lot of people who don’t know about the forums but if they did then that’s just pure evil   1 reply
03 07,2024
Lord have mercy   reply
28 05,2024
(I just need advice this isn’t a vent) So these two girls at school have been picking on me for the past like 5 months and made the whole class not want to talk to me, and I’ve been really sick of it like it’s been affecting my mental health like for example, they literally made a story about me in class and presented it out loud in front of......   7 reply
24 05,2024
What do you think? [Question]
TheSuperBunny 24 05,2024
Do you think that the people who post and mention this site on social media (especially TikTok) are active in the forum here?

Do you think they even make an account?
24 05,2024
Idk but istg these people especially those who are on tiktok are REALLY DUMB like why would you post something you consume ILLEGALLY and BRAG ABOUT IT? Are you all really hungry for those likes and comments and clout? Bitch majority of you are still studying and are still underage like cmon just go back to school, do your homework, and stop ruining......   4 reply
23 07,2021
shameless plug [Answer]
11 03,2021
time to be shameless lmao follow me @lemonnlad on insta i post art stuff on there sometimes (this looks like xuwva's artstyle ;-;)   reply
11 03,2021
I don't have a main account yet but here's my art account- ur_local_2d_simp   reply
11 03,2021
shameless plug [Answer]
11 03,2021
hihi i dont have ig for posting my art bc i hate social media but i use discord and would like to make more art friends ,, i dont have a discord group bc i suck at keeping groups together but would u like to be art friends on discord together my user is star#9404 we can chat about art stuffies pls say hi im great at convos hehe (also im learning f......   reply
11 03,2021
shameless plug [Answer]
fuyuhiko kuzuryu
11 03,2021
im anon on here so no plugging social medias but if anyone wants free art of their characters DM me on here LMAO here are some art examples   1 reply
11 03,2021
shameless plug [Answer]
11 03,2021
follow me because im an asexual person who likes to make sex jokes to cope with my trauma #imdesperate   reply
11 03,2021

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