I have just realised I have less than 8 weeks till exam month so quitting reading bls until then. (Screen time may be 8 hours on mangago..?) I don’t know how long this will last but farewell..   4 reply
2 days
TITLE OF THIS   2 reply
2 days
2 days
surree i cant use it [Experience]
2 days
  1 reply
2 days
I'm desperate   7 reply
2 days
someone tell me name [Experience]
Shihyeon 2 days
  1 reply
2 days
Danny boy you do not disappoint.   1 reply
2 days
imagine legit stalking a TEENAGER and manipulating them so you can go try find their personal socials and demanding them to reply to you just to prove a point online in forums? Just because hes 19 doesnt make it legal for you to go find their personal socials just to prove a point that a dude is lying towards his friends that actually know him. Leg......   5 reply
2 days
CHarold Response [Experience]
Pat 2 days
Bruh of course people will fake their name. Do you actually give out your real name in a place like this? Also if the pics were stolen then who was I talking to on a video call earlier? (PS: I promise I didn't forget to take my schizo pills look at the ss /j) THIS MESSAGE IS A RESPONSE TO https://www.mangago.me/thing/about/802458/ SINCE I CAN'T ......   33 reply
2 days
Bitch I'm up
03 07,2024
Nah i don’t think so I mean they probably have an account but to go on forums probably not tbh as weird as it may sound their is actually a lot of people who don’t know about the forums but if they did then that’s just pure evil   1 reply
03 07,2024

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