Make Friend From This Site

Cute cats   reply
02 04,2024
02 04,2024
LMFAO WE COULDNT BE ANYMORE RELATABLE So It's the absolute same for me and now I've got exam just in a month, I haven't had irl friends for 2 or 3 years now so just a few months ago I joined discord servers and made some friends it was fun talking to them but yeah it got distracting so I pulled back and isolated myself again. Well for a few months......   1 reply
02 04,2024
Try out discord but in my experience if you're well prepared w your exams only then do so. Online shit is kinda addicting and distracting   reply
02 04,2024
Well if your 17+ you could join this mangago discord server~ A lot of us are/were students so I totally understand your struggle Just come and chat everyone once in a while when ur free or bored We've been binge watching stranger things recently and sometimes watch other movies or play games randomly. (And......   1 reply
02 04,2024
I made most of my online friends through discord just join servers that are mainly about some of your interests and you’ll easily find people to talk w!! Also don’t be afraid to reach out to people first!! They don’t mind and if they do then they’re not worth being friends w!!!!!! Good luck with your studies and I wish you the best with un......   1 reply
02 04,2024
Gug 02 04,2024
At this point it not an accident it’s intentional. Keep letting it slide and you will be getting spit on routinely. I say extort him, tell him to pay up all your calling the cops. Also have solid evidence for the cops in case there’s a need to call them. I say video record them doing it.   reply
02 04,2024
lowk u should most definetly focus on your studies because theres a big chance youll most likely not see your rl friends after graduation if youre all going to different colleges or the same but youll all be in diff majors so youll all have different schedules, but once you do make it to college honestly try to find clubs or activites that spark yo......   reply
02 04,2024
Focus on your exams and people around you. Spend more time with your actual friends in real life. There’s 24hr in a day, no way you are using the whole time to study. Secondly it’s your last year in high school. Enjoy the moment with people you have schooled with since childhood and primary. When you go to college, it’s going to be hard to se......   reply
02 04,2024
nothing is wrong w having online friends at all, some people have bad experiences, some people have good ones. it fr depends on how you talk to people and if they want anything to do w you. personally me and my online friend group back in 2019 r still friends til this day nd are very close!! since you're geniunely asking for advice here r things ......   reply
02 04,2024

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