Make Friend From This Site

making friends online is such a chore bc you might text for years every single day and even then there's a chance it'll be super awkward when you meet irl. not to mention the possibility of getting ghosted out of nowhere. like i didn't tell you my whole life story and my mother's maiden name for you to just disappear on me. now i'll be wondering wt......   1 reply
28 days
I mean yeah you can make Best Friend on here I made two really good friends back in 2021 but I don’t talk to them anymore not because anything bad happened we just drifted apart but the friendship lasted a good two years Or so and now I don’t really talk to anyone on here on like a best friend level but I still talk to some people on here l......   1 reply
28 days
29 days
Literally why my messages are open, I need friends into bl   1 reply
29 days
cause fuck misogyny   reply
29 days
Ahhhh I swear- I couldn't stop laughing ( ≧∀≦) it's so cutee !! I'm dying- lots of love to whoever made this   reply
29 days
Somehow i got tentacles   reply
29 days
tragic villain everyone thinks you're very melodramatic because you never miss an opportunity to break out in lengthy monologues about everything that is wrong with the society. but you are deeply misunderstood. the world has scarred you and now you're simply trying to get even. the hero says you go too far in trying to achieve that and so they co......   reply
29 days
“ you are the yang to their yin, the moon to their sun” is it my enemy to lover era??   reply
29 days
Does anyone wanna be friends with me..!?   3 reply
29 05,2024

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