12 08,2024
Let's call him "Hyung" :P IM SO FREAKING HAPPYYYY AHHAHAHAH no i did not kill him unfortunately nor that he died, but just I got this mofo access to the Internet lost!! Bec he was doing insaaaneee shit in the Internet... Let's just get to the end I snitched on him to his mom and he lost access cus the college he's going to is gonna not accept him i......   reply
12 08,2024
Okay tbh I'm always been genuine about trying to be a better person and I don't notice I'm just being what I should stand against, I found out recently that I would be a "narcissistic" person if I apologised where I showed how I hate myself and my behaviour and how it affected them. Self loathing or something, I thought that would show how remorsef......   3 reply
09 08,2024
09 08,2024
If, in a story, there's like all this build up to a sex scene, but when one of them makes a move, they get respectfully turned down so they just sit around awkwardly until one of them leaves. Then the story just sort of....ends.   2 reply
09 08,2024
08 08,2024
Just know that today I danced in a native clothes like this and the bathroom was so far from the theater shit or whatever so I walked around my campus wearing this with my buttcheeks out   6 reply
08 08,2024
fuck porn addiction [Experience]
misterchan 06 08,2024
fuck you fuck you fuck you i can’t take this anymore im fucking done this is me declaring i’m done with porn and so if any of u guys catch me i hope im humiliated to the moon and back. i am done with porn. this shit has messed me and my life up. i can’t let this continue. fuck you porn. i’m gonna delete all my porny 18+ lists and albu......   2 reply
06 08,2024
So i had this online friend of mine, we have been knowing each other for 7 months ig? Sometimes its intense chat, sometimes just asking hows ur day and what new tea, sometimes its just asking to log in game together yea its pretty fun chatting with him. Fyi i take what he said with humor sense esp if he behave like a pick me(????) Yk frequently he......   1 reply
21 07,2024
i dont know much but i heard the best thing to do is vote undeclared which is where the voters are saying both candidates suck and therefore need to be reevaluated and improve before they can be candidates again, honestly im not too sure if this is correct because i was only half listening to my sister when she was explaining this to me. Worst thi......   2 reply
02 07,2024
soo, for the ppl in the US, who u gonna vote?   1 reply
02 07,2024
dude, as an American, I just don't watch the news anymore, I just live every day knowing we're fucked. I wish i could move to anywhere else but I'm too poor and the housing market sucks everywhere to my knowledge. I cant afford an apartment by myself in the country i was born in let alone move then afford one where i know nobody and have to be 'th......   reply
02 07,2024
02 07,2024
I ask for recommendations to ppl all the time and they always give me the same 5-10 popular manhwas... Those sucks. GIVE ME SOMETHING UNDERRATED?? Not one that has been popular for years?? I swear if I get recommended Love is an illusion, POTN, Yours to claim, cherry blossoms, full volume, BJ Alex, Blacklight, Love is an Orbit, Jinx or whatever aga......   13 reply
02 07,2024

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