%&€>€#*÷*@& [Experience]
02 02,2024
Why are figurines so expensive (Ik why I just want them to be free okay) MY BABIES   1 reply
02 02,2024
. [Experience]
13 06,2021
I own small Hello Kitty Figurines and a random water Pokémon i think. But i really really want Kaworu and Shinji figurine ( there is supposed to be Shinji one too but i couldn't find a image of it)   2 reply
13 06,2021
I want this so bad [Experience]
17 05,2021
  1 reply
17 05,2021
Shitty country [Experience]
29 11,2020
I really really like to buy BUT our economy is as fucked up as our country if i buy an action figure i have to give one month worth salary for it. i seriously want to get out of this living hell   reply
29 11,2020
15 07,2020
I ordered one just a second ago for my sisters birthday uwu   1 reply
15 07,2020
My figure collection [Experience]
02 06,2017
I own a bunch, and I have a few pre-ordered. To list a few: Itachi, Sasuke, Shinji & Kaworu, Lelouch, Riku from Kingdom Hearts Bakura, Natsume, Syaoran, Yoko Kurama Human Kurama Vincent from FF7 Ichigo Rukia Byakuya Sesshomaru Levi Eren Matoba Natori Winter Soldier Spider-Man Kenshin Sanji And I've pre-ordered another Lelouch, Yuri......   1 reply
02 06,2017
this is why i'm broke [Experience]
Fuchuu 27 04,2016
according to mfc i have 157 figures and 9 ordered lmAO...... at this point my room is more of a figure museum than a bedroom it's bad my room is too messy rn for a picture of all the shelves but this one's probably the most relevant here i'm impatiently waiting for clear to get released because he's the best husbando ;u;b   3 reply
27 04,2016
27 04,2016
I have three figurines, actually figmas. The three are from Vocaloid merch, a Miku one, a Luka one and a Kaito one. If someday I've money again, I'll buy Rin and Len. Until then, I'll cry.   reply
27 04,2016
They KNOW. [Experience]
CyanideBlue 23 04,2016
I recently decided to buy a chibi Noiz figurine from a store but was a little shy about it because of the nature of the VN he comes from, but a friend who was with me at the time comforted me, saying the employees at the store probably wouldn't know.... She was wrong. I took it to the counter to pay for it and the employee there grinned at me from ......   3 reply
23 04,2016
buy a figurine [Experience]
01 04,2016
My first figure was Ignis from Jingai Makyo.   reply
01 04,2016

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