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Yeah, let's for a change drop manga/manhwa/manhua/books that so deeply affected you that you couldn't forget it for days or weeks or even months.

And yk I have to do this, but if any of you are interested y'all are free to join us at BLACKOUT as well. No one is being forced to join, and you can even ignore this part and focus on the first part of the question only.
This is for those people who haven't found a server they want to join or for people who want to try out new stuff and find people of a similar mindset.
Age requirement is 16+ please.

01 02,2024
I have seen too many people that simp for Zoro. He has shown up in too many edits of waifu's. Like, can't I just see hot women in peace?! Sanji though...
My bro is literally built different. Now he is actually invincible. And hot.
But and then I realized... Zoro's tits. Huge, juicy. I'm probably man titty sexual ngl. No Zosan bc Sanji is mine.
31 01,2024
31 01,2024
Here's the situation: my friend who is also my roomate has crush on 4 different guys. And o never liked any of them before. But now I have a crush on one of the guy and he also likes me back. But I don't want tk betray her. I feel guilty. But it's the first time someone genuinely liked me. That guy is also my neighbor. And the thing is he will not confess otherwise it will be awkward because our rooms are next to each other. I want to like him but my guilt won't let me. And that guy will not confess. I just know because I overheard his conversation with his fried. Idk what to do. But i really falling for him now.
31 01,2024
Let's think of the life-long question that men and women everywhere ask.

Which is better? Ass or Tits?

The debate of the Ass vs Tits has been around for as long as many can remember. While many prefer tits, the majority prefer ass. A few opinions people have are:

sum1rand0m on reddit says,,
"Ass! Because you can grab and slap ass in ways you can't with tits, you can check out a girls ass from behind without her even knowing unlike tits, a great ass means a girl worked her ass off (pun intended) to get it unlike tits you can buy. Also a big ass small tits still looks more proportional than a girl with huge tits and no ass."

ManicLord on reddit says,,
"Ass. You can sculpt an ass. Tits are not like that."

Breklinho on reddit says,,
"Ass with no tits beats tits with no ass every day

In general perky B cups with a nice butt are perfff"

Kiyoshi Fujino from Prison School says,,
"Mankind... used to walk on all fours.
What they saw before then... were asses...
Yes... in the evolution of mankind, the ass... became the boobs...
When mankind walked on four legs... what lay before their eyes...
Was the ass.
Ever since the day man began to walk on two legs, the ass... no longer remained in front of their eyes, and what replaced it were... the boobs!!
Women's large mounds are a replacement for the ass.
But the true origin of life is the ass... boobs... are just a replacement... so...
In the end, boobs are nothing more than fake asses.
And if I had to choose between the original and the imitation, of course I would choose the original!!"
(well said, Kiyoshi, well said...)

Kempeth on reddit says,,

I've never seen a naked ass where I went "Damn girl!". But I do appreciate a nice but not overwhelming curve below the waist wrapped in tight pants. And I do appreciate it as a sensitive spot for caressing and such.

But a nice pair of breasts looks good with and without clothes."

TenKDays agrees with the above replying,,
"I'm with you on this as well. Huge tits aren't necessarily nicer than smaller ones. It's all about proportions :)"

toypatrol on reddit says,,

Anyone can have a nice ass. All it takes is a whole lot of proper exercise and bam. You can have it poppin back there.

But great tits are the best, they can't be replicated. Doing squats can make your flat ass big, but you can't have a flat chest and work them into DD's. That makes them more divine to me.

Plus I'm a visual guy, so with the front you get her face and tits all in one view. I feel like I spend more time in a relationship face to face rather than behind her so ass is not as important for me."

While many are on about tits and ass, there are some who don't agree with them at all.

HaydenB on reddit says,,
"Legs... Nice legs please.."

theshaqattack on reddit says,,
"Legs ... So much harder to find a good set of legs than a good ass or good tits.

I go, legs, ass, tits."

NCender27 responds to the above,,
"My man. Most people go for the boobs or the ass. Even for grabbing during the act, but not me. Give me a sexy pair of thighs and my fingers will dig in so hard it'll leave bruises. Boobs are eye candy. An ass is good for smacking. But when I need grab a hold for a climax even Thor himself would be jealous of, I won't grab anything but the thighs. Legs all damn day."

ImFromTheSouth also replies,,
"Thick thighs. Hell yes."

While we are a small minority, there are many thigh supporters.
Now that we know the people's preferences, let's dig deeper into the facts.

Thighs can come in all sizes and still be everyone's favorite, while some people prefer a certain shape and size of tits and ass. Generally, the majority prefer larger tits and curvier asses according to studies.

Michael Castleman says,,
"French researchers fitted women with various size padded bras and sent them to cafés where they sat alone. As bra size increased, so did the number of men who approached them."

Barbara Stepko states,,
"Research from the University of Texas at Austin found that what men are really drawn to isn’t so much the size of the derriere, but the curve—or, more specifically, a spinal curvature that offers the illusion of a shapely butt."

While there are no official studies for thighs, the balance between preferring muscular thighs to thick/big thighs is fairly equal.

"When it comes to big thighs, there may be an evolutionary reason why someone would want a partner with big thighs. Larger hips, for example, indicate that someone can more readily bear children without complications. A bit of extra weight shows that the woman is healthy and can nurse children. Big thighs fall into this category." Says Courtney Pococh.

She also states,,

"Everyone has different tastes, so there are some guys who like thin thighs, some guys who like big thighs and many guys in between. In general though, most guys prefer toned, athletic thighs. This is because toned thighs (regardless of size) look better, and because it is healthier. While some guys may still be fine with big thighs of any sort, the majority are going to prefer big thighs that got that way through muscle tone."

Not only are big thighs attractive, but they also may be wiser health wise to have, according to Harvard Health research,,

"A weighty body of evidence shows that upper body fat is more hazardous than lower body fat. Until recently, doctors assumed that even if lower body fat is less dangerous than upper body fat, it's no bargain on its own. But research may change that belief; without questioning the fact that upper body fat is a formidable foe, it raises the startling possibility that lower body fat may actually be a friend to health"

Now that I have stated the facts, it's time to bring my own opinion into view.
As many others have said before, thighs are the best things to grab and grope during intercourse. Additionally, thighs are the best pillow. Yes, boobs may be indeed soft as well, it can be awkward for the woman’s breast you are laying on. When pressure is applied to most women’s breasts it can feel uncomfortable, or can even hurt. Also, unless you are either both laying down or the woman’s breasts are unusually large, you can’t really lay comfortably. However with thighs, no matter the size or texture they are warm and comfortable. This position is often used in anime as a way for someone (usually mc) unconscious to lay down, while also including some romance. The woman in this situation does not feel discomfort most of the time, and can even feel nice while doing it.
If you’re questioning, “why can’t you lay on the ass?” my answer to you is another question, why would you? To be able to lay on an ass the lady would have to lay on their stomach which is awkward, and if they lay flat on their stomachs their breasts can have that uncomfortable pressure I mentioned earlier.
Even if in some yaoi and fanfiction men have nice asses and sometimes big breasts, it is uncommon in the real world. Thighs, however, are common. You can always grab some nice thighs whether your partner is male, female, or a different gender. You don't need a nice body to have nice thighs.

I could go on forever about why thighs are ultimately better, but this is already 3 1/2 pages in google docs.

Hopefully, by the end of this, you realize that thighs are superior.

Thank you, and goodbye.

- Shartpissbaby, 4-12-21
started at 4:06 PM EST/ended at 5:12 PM EST
12 04,2021
12 04,2021
All of yall that like women are yall a boobies or butts person?

I mean personally i like boobs but i feel like butts are better since you can slap'em
12 04,2021
all im seeing on here is people talking about their crushes and relationships and stuff nd im just over here all sad and shit like wth.
12 04,2021
So ya ppl...Hello there (☆▽☆) I Just wanna hear ur pick up lines coz I see most of them here are good at flirting I, a almost nothing compared to u guys want to study more in this fill me up to the brim..(✷‿✷)
11 04,2021
Dandy 14 10,2020
Just got of the phone with my best friend.
She called me during lunch since we both do virtual school. We said out hi's and then, I quote, she said "Its nice to hear your voice." I panicked. I PANICKED LIKE THE BI PAN IDFK ANYMORE FOOL I WAS. OH GOD IS SHE GAY/BI/PAN? AM I OVERREACTING? YES! AM I INTERESTED IN HER? She laughed awkwardly and then started saying something and then I snapped out of it and interrupted her.
"Same, yeah yeah its nice to hear your voice too. Especially after so long. Yeah." I sounded like a fcking dork. Then we both giggled and moved on. We talked about the US election because that's funny and entertaining to talk about and when I hung up my mom walked over and touched my cheek and said it was so hot. I then realized I have been blushing for awhile and my cheeks and burning. OH GOD HOW AM I GONNA EXPLAIN THIS??? I said it was probably because I was kinda holding back my laughs. YES I DON'T HAVE BRAIN CELLS AND SUCK AT LYING APPARENTLY. And then I was reminded of the dream I had a year ago. A dream where I kissed her and dated her. FUCK. NO. SHE. IS. JUST. A. CLOSE. FRIEND. AHAHAHA FUCK THE FIRST TIME I THINK I LIKE SOMEONE IT HAS TO BE MY BEST FRIEND. AND SHE'S CUTE. AND PRETTY. AND SMART. AND ATHLETIC. AND OUT OF MY LEAGUE. AND JUST A FRIEND? AND MY MOM TOLD MY DAD ABOUT HOW I WAS BLUSHING AFTER I GOT OFF THE PHONE. I HAVEN'T COME OUT YET. DO THEY KNOW? ARE THEY SUSPECTING? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. what do i do? do i like her? and do you think my parents have figured it out? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
14 10,2020
So, my ex (let's call him Z) and I broke up a year ago, but lately I find myself thinking about him and just seeing random things that remind me of him.
When Z broke up with me (over text BTW), I wasn't sad or anything. I was just like, "Meh. whatever." When he joined my math class in the middle of the year and we started talking as classmates again, I started falling for him again.
Now, we're stuck in quarantine and I haven't seen Z for months, but I've been dreaming and thinking about him for a while now.
Do any of y'alls think it's okay for me to like him again even though he broke up with me with one of the worst ways or should I just move on? ╥﹏╥
28 07,2020
So a month ago or so I got to know 2 new people online while playing video games and since then we're playing everyday together. So one of them started to write me per WhatsApp and was really nice to me. This is where I started to like him a little more if you know what I mean. One day he asked me to show him a picture of me (only the face) and I had no problem with it so I showed him one. Apparently he thinks that I look really good and wanted more pictures. We started to send each others more and more messages till the point where we write each other everyday nearly every minute. He started so send me pictures of himself after he asked me if I wanted one and asked me if I could send him full body pictures. I did that ofcourse and he seemed to really like it. He gives me literally every day many compliments. So he wants to talk to me every minute and when we're calling each other he doesn't want to hang up because he wants to hear my voice. Last week he told me he really wants to meet me and is sad that I live so far away (though we live in the same country) and told me what he would like to do once we meet lol. When I'm mad he always sais that he loves me too but I'm not sure if that's just sarcasm or not. He said he is very interested in me and gets kinda mad when I'm playing with a boy in my class.
So I know that he likes me but I want to know if it's just in a sexual way or if it's romantic.
Anyone know something?

Btw sorry for my bad english lol
26 12,2018