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How bad is it to date someone 2 years younger than you? I’m 18 yo but the dude is 16 and it feels wrong in a way. He’s still in high school while I am in college , and just that makes me feel weird. But he’s a nice guy, he have the same humor, knows how to take a joke, it’s not impulsive, knows how to be respectful and not to cross the line (not like other people my age) and I genuinely like to be with him. We have a language barrier but that doesn’t bother him nor he makes fun of it. I honestly don’t think is that bad, I’m just scared that I’ll get judge from people ik
12 02,2024
10 02,2024
Yall i love being a hater so much and im tired of pretending i dont

Everyday i wake up hoping to spread negativity and ruin people’s lives

But everytime i wanna be a hater bitches always wanna be like “let people enjoy things” “Karma will come back to bite you” “if you keep taking a shit on my lawn I’m going to call the cops” blah blah blah like shut up

Anyways pookie bears how many 8 year olds do you think you could take in a fight?
10 02,2024
claude 100% I don't understand why you guys forgive him so easily no matter why he did it he was still a shity dad fuck you claude
08 02,2024
"It was one night baby, please come talk to me!" I desperately cried, walking quick ot try and reach out for her hand only for her to whip her wrist away. Her tears flowing down her eyes, staining her cheeks as she shook her head. Disappointment, betrayal and hurt in her eyes. "Sandy..." I couldn't help but choke out my words, my chest tightening after seeing the look on her face. "I swear, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it, baby." I pleaded, slowly clasping her hand as I got to my knees, tears now streaming down my eyes as my desperation grew. "SpongeBob. Shut the fuck up, and stand." She coldly spoke, while I only continued to plead for her forgiveness. Afraid that I might lose her. "I said get the fuck up and let go of me!" She screamed, swatting my hand away as her glaring eyes look down on me. "One night? You think I'll believe yer bullshit, SquarePants?! Do you think I'm a fucking fool?!" "I'm a scientist for fuck's sake! You think I won't find out yer affair with that damned octopus?!" I couldn't say anything, I couldn't look into her eyes, feeling her glare as her finger point and push at my square head. "Not just a week after our wedding and I see YOU ridin' his clarinet like a professional bull-fucker in mah beautiful state Texas!" She spat out, as her voice cracked in pain making tears only flow once more down my eyes. "In a maid outfit even!" A shaky sigh came out of her lips. "You sick fucker, I know you have many holes but why do you have to be such a whore?!"

"Sandy, please." I softly whispered as my eyes slowly look up to meet hers. Throwing a subtle smolder. "I never meant to do it Sandy, you know I only like your cheeks." "Yeah because you like dicks instead." "But you're the one I love..." I continued, rummaging to my pocket to get the smallest violin and play it. "You're the one I married, you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." Getting up, my lips quivered while I slowly reach out to hold her hand once again. Only for her to take a step back. "Don't even try it, SquarePants. You can't make me believe your lies anymore." I could only watch as she turned and walked out on me, and walk out on my life forever. Regret filled my body, ashamed I brought my hand to my face as I cried. Knowing well there's no formula to fix this equation. "Poor you." A voice spoke from behind me as I feel a tentacle slither, sending a shiver down my spine and making my face flush red. I didn't even have to look, I already knew that it was Squidward. His tentacle teasingly entering my holes that made me grit my teeth from trying to stop a moan escape. "Being abandoned like this, don't you worry SpongeBob. I'll be the one to take care of you. Ahæ- Ahæ- Ahæ!"
08 02,2024
I remember that one time when we had a math exam and the teacher gave us our grades, literally nobody passed and we had like 0.25/20, 0.5/20, 01/20 and so on and we were laughing our asses off, I literally fell out my chair when he called my friend's name and said 01/20 I managed to have 05/20 which was the 2nd highest grade after that one dude who got 08/20 lmfaooo the whole school heard us cuz we were literally screamin
08 02,2024
Rei 08 02,2024
My browser won't load every single picture of any new chapter that being uploaded, I've to wait like weeks even months for it to finally loaded
08 02,2024
I read some of the answers of “why do people post the blandest takes here” or “why is BL everyone’s favorite genre” and I feel a bit strange about them, I mean this a site mainly focused on bl mangas, isn’t it a given that this site will have predominantly a fujoshi community loving bl genre and discussing bl mangas plot lines that are all quite similar to each other? It’s practically inevitable discussing about the same topics every now and then.

Plus people are entitled to their own opinion, if someone wants to talk about a certain topic because they find it worth discussing even if it’s already been discussed, what’s the problem? Like how you have all the rights to find something boring, they have the all the rights to find it interesting.

It doesn’t make much sense in my head all this hate towards bl lovers in general, although I’m aware some bl fans can go overboard, not everyone is like that.
08 02,2024
08 02,2024
oh, I just realised organic is more easy(which I used to struggle the most) than micro for me now hewlpp..
08 02,2024
Anyone with half a brain cell can recognize rape and toxic stories are bad, you're not a trail blazer for saying that. And everybody backs them up like they're the shit for saying something that's common sense. Like we know Jinx and stories like it are bad, you don't have to circle jerk each other for not having shit taste.
08 02,2024
I understand this is a site supposedly mainly focused around BL and ‘yaoi’, but it’s just so annoying how most BL readers refuse to read other genres and then go and say any BL story is better than a good shoujo or action. Don’t even get me started on how much SOME<—— (keyword some) of these BL supremacists are just so blatantly misogynistic. (In all fairness you barely see this anymore but trust me there are still a couple of them lurking about)
It’s so sad how BL is the most favored among manhwa and manga enthusiasts because it completely overshadows GL and other amazing genres and creates some of the most annoying people of all time. There will always be the good and the bad in every genre but why do BL fans believe that theres just no bad in BL it just makes me seethe with rage, mald even

Sorry if this makes no sense I’m not good with explaining anything at all really and this is just some rambling about don’t take it too seriously
08 02,2024
appearently someone (Verbalase i think) spent about 50k for an animation of him being sexually preyed on by Charlie from Hazbin Hotel. More local new at 6.
16 01,2024
if yo asscrack was horizontal instead of vertical, would it clap when you walked down the stairs?

Don't mind me, I'm just tired of the "Mangago is broken" topics
25 10,2023
Your fav character/crush is seen crying on the bench. Are you going to console them or hunt down the person who made them cry?
07 10,2023
sum wrong with me but not at the same time my gfs friends made a fanfic of us together...(why was I portrayed as an emo badboy :sob:) she got so many redflags but im avoiding her like the plague, making sure she aint show up. hmmmm idk recently it was our one year FUCK IDK WHAT TO DO
03 10,2023
Would someone will be my friend
03 10,2023
so, I have a crush on my senior who is 1 year older than me and he's that type of guy who is PERFECT LIKE FRR. you know The Phantom Thief Kaito Kid? my crush is exactly just like him which is really making me become more obsessed with him. but, lately I think my affection towards him become more weird like everytime I see him I really wish that he'll died in that spot and wishing that he'll get hit by a car or something like that.. I feel like I wish for him to died but at the same times I don't want him too. if I can, I want to choked him myself until he can't breathe and hit him with a hammer. I even have dream where I torturing him to death

so.. does liking him too much slowly making me to hate him? does I hate him or like him??
03 10,2023
Which character that you think will definitely suit to become a condom ambassador and why?
26 08,2023
Aniyae 20 07,2021
POV: You're in a musical. Whether you like it or not
What's your song? Is it a duet? Group song?
What type of song are you singing? Slow or fast-paced?
What's your song about? Love? Pain? Vengence?
20 07,2021
Aniyae 15 07,2021
What you were thinking about becomes real.

What were you thinking about before reading the question?
15 07,2021