taking notes [Question]
16 05,2021
^you sleep in my bed.. I will sleep in the sofa^ note this down.. don't forget to add this on a chapter of a manga. its Cp's must say line..
do you noted something similar?
16 05,2021
Sauce? [Answer]
21 10,2020
It is like a new way asking what is the source for like an example: ~What’s the sauce for this picture? Love or Hate.~ See what I mean?   1 reply
21 10,2020
Sauce? [Answer]
21 10,2020
dunno i just saw other people saying sauce and i tagged along   reply
21 10,2020
Sauce? [Answer]
Gin-san's Parfait
21 10,2020
Yeah if I'm not wrong people started it for asking hentai source   1 reply
21 10,2020
Sauce? [Question]
21 10,2020
Is sauce like a new way to say source because I seen a lot of people using it and I’m confused like it don’t even sound right
21 10,2020
In your heart when you are with the person you love, or even just seeing your most favorite characters/person be it IRL or not makes you warm and feel good inside. calming you down, making you comfortable and happy On my side, it's me whenever i chat with my S/O, no matter how short and simple the message. My S/O manages to always make me feel ne......   reply
25 10,2018

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