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Ive honestly seen a lot and the plot is just straightup dogshit •-<
1 hours
How to open up to family members about SA when you’ve already been shut down once by them when trying to tell them?
4 hours
Tithee~ 11 hours
I hate women even if I'm a woman. Being a misogynist is quite haunts me. Whenever i am seated with a girl (old, middle aged) i feel more uncomfortable. I feel unrelaxed. I find women are more attacking than a man. They attacked often at past, they preferred me for insulting over other women too. They were the ones who never stood for me whenever i felt they would. It made me think why.. Something's wrong i dont mix with them.
11 hours
who’s your “hear me out” character?
12 hours
I am looking for a story where the MC(girl) is dominant, cunning and manipulative. Kinda like Roxanna from The way to protect the female lead's brother.
But please no horror or tragedy. I also don't like violence
17 hours
Anyone tired of seeing female characters in a fantasy action? It's like 95% of fantasy action novel or webtoon must include female characters who's reason is to fall for MC.

Just reading a martial art novel and for some reason this arrogant zhuge girl who MC just spar 1st meeting suddenly went blushing full of delusional horny thoughts in 2nd meeting after seeing MC's naked top after exercising unable to have a proper spar.

Delusional horny female ones are always the most annoying types. Works faithful to the genre without distracting subplots are rare these days. ヽ(`Д´)ノ
20 hours
I only realized this a few years ago but why do some people that are non and surprisingly also part of LGBTQ+ hate bisexuals? I'm genuinely confused because why chose which gender you are attracted to if you can have both? (more people for you that's a win win for me) I don't hear people hating on pansexuals but I keep seeing things like 'you can't be a bisexual, you're either straight or gay.' I heard somewhere that they hate them bc bi's believe that there's only 2 genders (how the heck did they conclude that?)

I remember when DC canonically change Tim Drake's (3rd Robin) sexuality as bisexual and they change his girlfriend with a boy and it made me '???' you know you didn't have to change his girlfriend to a guy for people to know he's bi or part of the lgbtq+. That also applies in shipping fandoms like 'he's not bi because she/he's dating the opposite gender. That means he's straight!' It's ok to have your hc but some people do be hating on people having a hc/oc that the character is bi but dates the opposite gender. I'm not really a person who engages deeply in communities/fandoms but I do see some of them sometimes. I'm curious why and sorry if it sounds rude(?)
23 hours
We all know about great stories that fall off
But what's a story/franchise that starts off mid or even bad but gets so good?
1 days
I am stuck in trying to recover from my last relationship and I am wondering if there any nice recommendations about slice of life, rom-com manhwa/ua/ga. I don't really care if it is gl, bl or a straight trope... I just really want something cute and relaxing for a read but I couldn't find any. The help would be very appreciated <3

*If you are asking why I want a rom-com thing it's literally just because they lift up my mood. Quite strange, ain't it but I am happy it works~
1 days
I know this is scary to mention on this site but I was curious about everyone's opinion.

So I was talking to my friend about how some countries without naming specif.. it's Japan are kinda racist to immigrants that they usually ask them to act in a specific way for example: eating with a chopstick. Why would u think this is disrespectful if I don't use chopsticks while eating?
( also I know you guys are going to say not everyone thinks that way. I know it's just generally speaking)
Or drinking at work parties as a way of showing respect. Someone might be having a problem with alcohol for health reasons and all.

So what I'm trying to say.. They'd expect you to respect their culture by imitating them but it's like they cannot accept that you might have different opinion or can't do like they do for wtv reason.. (also not everyone like this but you know what I mean ╥﹏╥ Istg I mean no hate)

So my friend said that they do this to keep their culture and not get affected by emigrants cultures and stuff. I personally believe that culture is pound to change you take the good deeds of each other and improve for better but What do you think of this? Am I just close minded lmao ┗( T﹏T )┛
1 days
How do i move on from an occurence in my life which isn't caused by the natural forces but has been engineered by man?
How do I move on after facing a loss not written in the stars but has been cause by manipulation?
How do I believe in fate when men can twist and turn the fabric of nature and change it's course?
What will become of my hardwork and struggle when money and political power can easily defeat it all?
I've been a victim of dirty politics to which I lost my dream job. I want to forget it all and move on...but idk how..
1 days
is it safe to suck a dick? its my first time and im scared i might get diseases like sti.. please guide me
1 days
Who's the weirdest Mangago user you've seen on here? I'm curious to know what weirdass critters live in this hellhole.
1 days
I want to scare my group chat at 3 am and i need some cursed pictures
1 days
Uchiru 1 days
Anyone know why BL novels hasn't have much update in booktoki? It's been a long time since new bl have been uploaded.
1 days
Currently having a bit of a mental breakdown/argument because I'm 100% sure this doesn't count as sa but my friends are telling it it totally is. Anyways to sun it up used to play what my caretakers son(22 at the time) would call truth or dare dirty edition (if it matters I was like 5-8 he moved when I was 8 so it stopped around then) essentially we each give truth or dare questions most of the time it he asked like have you kissed a boy do you like anyone shit like that so like innocent questions but the problem my friends seem to find is that when I chose dare he would have me so handstands( I usually wore dresses cuz my parents wanted me to be feminine or wtv) and he would ask to see my thighs or touch them a bit (never tooky clothes off) now I think it wasn't anything serious but I'm being told it was grooming n SA since I couldn't consent or wtv
but like what is there to consent to? Its not like he put it in yk? That's not sexual assault it was a game n sometimes he got a lil touchy that's all. We were all talking abt childhood games n now I kinda feel like I ruined the atmosphere by bringing it up too so I'm just wondering what others thoughts are.
1 days
Please please, recommend something with system + idol good shits
1 days
Hello! Please recommend stories ( the plots rn just so common Im in desperate need of smth new ♀)
1 days
Can anyone drop good underrated stuff even if it's not that underrated if it's good I'll read it the better the artstyle the better but if the stories really good and the artstyles simple I'll take it
2 days
Hi a few weeks ago I had an idea for a Yaoi bl cute lil traumatizing story that I really wanna put out, I have written other short story type things in the past but I’ve never really created a whole work with art and everything, does anyone have any idea where to start. I’ve already created a basic plot and character profiles I’m just not sure how to do the whole writing a story while also drawing it like how to make them both work together.
2 days