The fact i just knew it was you before even seeing who made this from the title alone really says something also do you still got the message by him saying he's going to do something to you bc if so maybe you can show it to the police and with the broken window they can do something to him or something to help you keep him away from you?   1 reply
2 hours
Idk but to hear that Justin Bieber was a victim makes me feel sad for him because he was my idol as a kid and like looking back now bro went through alot :(   1 reply
3 hours
Rewriting the villainess What happens to the villainess?   1 reply
3 hours
brain fog [Answer]
Peepaw 4 hours
U could just naturally be a bit absent minded and process things slower, that's fine nuffin wrong with that, but if u find it really inconvenient try managing things like sleep, mood, nutrition, yk all that self care stuff. It might not completely solve the problem but it'll probably help. I think and react pretty slowly it's just how I am, but cer......   reply
4 hours
brain fog [Answer]
jaes snakes
4 hours
I'm always lost in the sauce I can't hold a conversation   1 reply
4 hours
brain fog [Answer]
the rider
4 hours
force yourself to sleep early and start your morning routine without using your phone right away   reply
4 hours
Got free 4k robux heh. [Experience]
4 hours
I recently got voice chat in roblox and went into this baking game idk and someone went up to me and said I look like their oc, I just said "wow that's cool" and went off to finish my quest and now she invites her friends and they all gathered around me there was like 4-5 of them? They wanted me to talk, told them I can't bec I have a problem with ......   5 reply
4 hours
brain fog [Answer]
sushi 4 hours
Had this for a solid half a year last year. No clue what made it go away, but getting regular adequate sleep -- and sleeping around 11 pm at the latest -- helped tremendously. Cannot overstate the benefits of good sleep.   reply
4 hours
You have to stop making yourself suffer for these mistakes, look they can hate you, not want to contact you again, be uncomfortable around you but it doesn't mean you're a bad person. The fact you're out here talking about these stuff and wanting help is a sign itself that you're a good person. Maybe, just maybe they want you to take making mistake......   reply
5 hours
I can already imagine the scenario i mean Ppl be already fucking animals like lizards and stuffs   1 reply
5 hours

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