When Did U First Fall In Love

what is love ? [Answer]
26 06,2021
Baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more   reply
26 06,2021
what is love ? [Answer]
rayha 26 06,2021
only 14 so maybe i cant talk but ive always thought of it as two(or more) people who: care about each other, are comfortable and can be themselves with the other person(s), trust, and compromises. i dont believe in unconditional love, it screams obsession to me.   reply
26 06,2021
what is love ? [Answer]
[DELETED] 26 06,2021
"Love is a biological evolutionary mechanism that's designed to provide a brief, brief respite from the unmitigated pain of being alive. So forgive me if I just wanna eat Pop Tarts and pray for death with my hot, hot girlfriend." "She stole my food and then asked me to spy on people with her. Is this what love feels like?" those are the best m......   reply
26 06,2021
what is love ? [Answer]
26 06,2021
okay so basically love is   reply
26 06,2021
what is love ? [Answer]
yuu 26 06,2021
Ur really asking here with a bunch of virgins? lmao idk.   reply
26 06,2021
what is love ? [Question]
random fujoshi 26 06,2021
basically im already in legal age yet im still confused what love feels like or what love is when it comes to unconditional one, what difference is it from familial love and philia, i have couples of past experience but it never got too deep maybe because im the problem?
26 06,2021
Hmmmm [Experience]
23 06,2021
When i'm 7/8 y.o maybe and i'm sure i had told my mom and his mom that i like him. I'm a bit proud of myself? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍   reply
23 06,2021
First Love? [Experience]
QWERTY 23 06,2021
Not sure if that was love but that was when I was in High School. He broke up with me by not giving me a reason why. May be just tired of the set-up and I was so immature that time (may be both). I tried to chase him a lot of times up until I got tired and just to accept what I can never change and move on. though I found out that he was pursuing ......   reply
23 06,2021
I don’t think I have but I have had like hella crushes. You know in high school your more exposed to a bigger environment and now you have to go to different parts of the building and you see people you haven’t before. That’s what it was like for me, I’d think like wow they look cute and then that was it. Then the next day or the next week ......   reply
23 06,2021
ayeee im a badaaassss [Experience]
yuu 23 06,2021
i was 5 when i first fall in love. i didn't know mah friend liked my crush too cuz i'm not really talkative about my secrets, i didn't tell him my feelings so a month passed by and i only found out they were dating . I have this rose gold ring so I lent my friend that ring cuz those two said they were getting maried LMAO, after their wedding she ga......   reply
23 06,2021

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