Heh, to answer your question! No. I don’t want to change my gender just to be gay, that’s so dumb.   reply
10 02,2025
Oh my god please don't revive this question I was like 12/13 years old when I made this and like 90% of my time was spent reading yaoi istg Update though, I'm actually trans now (I did "get serious" about it) and asexual Sorry to everyone for this godawful and insensitive question I asked though like eww what was I thinking   5 reply
09 02,2025
uhhhh, wtf. no. i actually knew someone like this and it pisses me off. this is fetishization, yaoi is not an accurate depiction of gay relationships. none of it is true. on top of your dream being crushed when you find out the reality of being in a gay relationship not being yaoi, you dont want to feel the discrimination. the discrimination is so......   1 reply
09 02,2025
.........is Omegle still a thing   1 reply
09 02,2025
All things considered, one of the better outcomes from an Omegle exchange   reply
09 02,2025
my dream is to be an alpha handsome rich bisexual male who has 10/10 women and super twinky men lining up for me to date. joking aside I always thought I was supposed to be born as a straight man but got born in the wrong body because my interest was always lining up with straight men rather than women. like don't misunderstand me I love being a wo......   2 reply
09 02,2025
Like chat I’m not even lying. I was going on amigo because I’m bored not really expecting anything and then this weird guy showed up on the screen and I was going to skip, but he seemed normal enough so I didn’t and a few minutes into a conversation, he said OK let me go pass you over to my cousin.AND IT WAS MY COUSINS EX BF and the thing is I really only talk to him very briefly like two times but somehow he knew everything about me and my family and he told me that my cousin always talked about us to him in a good way of course and then he told me that they were back together, but I was confused cause my cousin told me nothing of this so then I called her later on that day and I was like girl what’s going on are you guys back together and guess What HE WAS LYING AND IS GOING AROUND SAYING THERE STILL TOGETHER LIKE BITCH HUH?!!
09 02,2025
09 02,2025
Maybe I was born to be gay? I dreamed of becoming a boy so that I could court girls, but also boys. Yeah, I'm into both girls and beautiful gay boys. I don't really understand myself. I see them as girls? A girl that has a "snake," a girl who is really a boy. I'm always so attracted to them, especially if they are slim. (Why do I sound l......   1 reply
09 02,2025
nonbinary and trans here, i feel like that sometimes too. not about dating men, im a lesbian, but about dating women. gender is weird. what you feel is valid. its seriously difficult figuring all this stuff out about yourself, it's alright to feel different sometimes.   1 reply
09 02,2025
uhh... i mean i'm a bi trans man but it has nothing to do with me wanting to date people like i think the crazier part about it is you want to be a man because gender complications with girls while also wanting gender complications since you want to be a man and date men   1 reply
09 02,2025

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