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03 03,2024
Guys what is it called when you can't tell any shit to your parents even tho it's not harmful at all. But I'm scared it'd be the opposite and get my head smash onto the wall (ok my mind went wild, too exaggerating I guess that will never happened but this show how scared I am) (and I oops! Ok I just remembered that's exactly how my mom threatened me. She never smash my head directly and only slap me until it bruise... Ykwhat this is why telling/confessing to other help makes you realize what is what) anyway, I want to pierce my ear, which part of the ear is the best to hide the piercing? I always had my hair down so it's not big deal. Here's a reference I can't wait aaaa ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
03 03,2024
04 07,2021
02 07,2021
i need answers cuz i'mma female right and a pan sexual one at that but my level of attraction towards feminine cis women is like at a 20 or 10 %, now to the confusing part i always find myself being more dominant and masculine. Instead of me getting fucked i rather be the one doing the fucking no matter who i'm in a relationship with with, i don't view man the way straight woman do i view men the way a gay top would for example i find myself attracted to they ass and viewing them being submissive to me and gay porn turns me on outta every other porn genre, now i thought maybe i was supposed to be a gay men you know but hell naw i'm constantly having the battle with myself where sometimes i wanna be a men and sometimes i don't it's so fucking frustrating.

and like i don't fully wanna be a men i just want my voice deeper and probably a penis if i can get one.

someone just please help me already. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
02 07,2021
What are some really good sfw anime on Netflix I could watch on a plnae without the person next to me questioning my sanity?
17 05,2021
10 05,2021
i accidentally dropped my phone on a whole bucket of water while i was brushing my teeth.

the speakers are really muffled now.

i got this phone since 2018 and i don't have a lot storage. does this means that this is a sign to change this dinosaur phone?!?!
10 05,2021
So my friend asked me if I can recommend some dark sci-fi movies to them, I don't know any any good dark sci-fi movie suggestions?
08 05,2021
This goes out to all the people experiencing the pain of ripping ur butthole by taking a fat shit. My heart goes out to all of you, because to my surprise when i sat on the toilet, it hurt so bad. Worst feeling in the world man, i just wanted to take a midnight poo.
08 05,2021
I love to change my profile picture every Friday, but a problem has occurred. Every time I try to upload a photo, it mentions that my photo needs to be less than 2 MB. I tried various pictures and it still didn't work. All of them were under 2 MB.

Is there a solution to this problem?
08 05,2021
05 05,2021
Does anyone have any servers that I can join?
05 05,2021
I saw two posts of him today, and now I just saw this
can someone tell me why we're so obsessed with this one user please?
05 05,2021
Dear Cestelle,

A continuation to my prior post. As of right now, on Wednesday 5th March 2021 at 1:56pm, I am still very much blocked. Perhaps I phrased things a little strange in my other question, that was only due to how shocked I was. Please empathise. I only did so because someone I really liked had blocked me, it came at a shock to me, I'm sad now. What did I want? I wanted you to unblock me, or was that all? Perhaps, I wanted a reason, an explanation, validation. I guess, I wanted to be friends... But, it seems since I am still blocked, you must detest me, loath me, and it hurts. Rejection is no stranger to me, truthfully. Was it that much to hope that I could, for once, be accepted? You know what they say "I was the sun, yet you were searching for the moon" Coming to terms with the reality that we will just be perfect strangers with memories is difficult, but it is a journey I must partake. It hurts knowing I will be nothing more that a fleeting thought to you, but I will heal eventually. Thank you for everything you've done, all the times you've made me laugh, smile, cry, it has truly been a wonderful time. But alas, this is goodbye.

Sincerely Erectile Dysfunction.

PS. your "smh" will always be carried close to my heart
05 05,2021
17 04,2021
TLDR at bottom
Basically during freshman year, there was this junior in my class that I really liked. Because of the pandemic, I wasn't able to get any of his details other than his name. this year he is now a senior. obviously a problem as he is gonna graduate soon. Thing is my high school is on a hybrid schedule, I'm day 2 and I don't even know what day he is, I'm not even sure if he's actually going to school and is doing online instead. During the pandemic I was able to find his messenger but I didn't do anything bc I was scared at the time. Now I think I'm ready but what a coincidence, his messenger profiles deleted (or private) (  ̄へ ̄ ). Literally only other way I can think of contacting him is messaging him through our school emails. Ik how dumb and stupid and cringey that is and what a weirdo id be doing that, but man I really like this guy. I need some advice idk what to do, its getting close to the end of the year which means when he graduates as a senior, his school account will forever be closed.
TLDR: I really like this guy but I only have one desperate means of reaching him, what should I do ?? Also hearing what y'all would do will be helpful as well (▰˘◡˘▰)
17 04,2021
I can’t see most of the images on most manga’s, is it just me?
11 04,2021
So on 5th May one of my favourite utaites (MafuMafu) is gonna do a live concert for free on YouTube stream but it starts when I'm at school and It's not gonna be archived :( Any ideas how I skip class? (There no online classes tho)

Any ideas how I skip class?
Any ideas how I skip class?
Any ideas how I skip class?
Any ideas how I skip class?
Any ideas how I skip class?

Sorry for my poor English
05 04,2021
for my art assignment i need to photo of a crushed up can,please, take a photo of any ccrushed can u have. the photoes on the internet look too proffessionl its like night time my brains not workkidhfusijbx
03 03,2021
Why does my grandma always think she's right
Stfu before I plug out your life support
You're literally about to expire soon your opinion doesn't matter
She literally criticizes me for everything I do
17 02,2021
im feeling kinda salty rn bc of some family stuff and i already tried crying myself to sleep but its 8pm and my body isnt used to sleeping at this time

we live on the top floor in this apartment and my window is looking really tempting rn

it could be from an anime or manga or just a picture of a cute animal

anything, please, i dont want to resort to self harm or suicide
17 02,2021
24 01,2021
How about today? How do you fare on this day?
24 01,2021
Okay everyone I was searched how the gacha community was doing until
I saw this yea that really disgusting what they did to my boy..say anything nasty about this go crazy with this BECAUSE THIS BITCH HADES SOME MESS UP FUCK MIND.
19 01,2021