Hmm in my freshman bio class, I was sitting in the back and we were taking an exam on our laptops and the guy in front of me was watching hentai ..... Another time I was in engineering/robotics and these girls were three sheets to the wind drunk and literally chugging vodka from their waterbottles but were still pretending it was just water.   1 reply
12 03,2024
This was during an exam and i was sitting at the back of the class and beside me was this girl who was in the spectrum... She deadass was staring at me and put her hand down her skirt, then proceeded to show me her bloody hands (it was period blood)   3 reply
12 03,2024
me and my friend had to go in the drama teacher’s closet/storage room to pick up something and while we were snooping we found a nazi flag in the back..(turns out it was for a play but for some reason he still kept it..? even tho the play was long gone)   1 reply
12 03,2024
This was in middle. There was this kid named David who I think was "VERY special." This either happened in math class or PE which was held in the math classroom. Anyway I shit you not this kid pulled out one of his molars and another tooth, during a test/quiz. Before the test started I remember asking him if his tooth was loose cuz he kept pullin......   1 reply
12 03,2024
Middle school- PE some girl fainted and I overheard her "friends" laughing because of the way she looks passing out High school - afterschool or lunchtime somewhere at the side of the school some group of guys were wrestling but one got serious and showrd his gun in his backpack and threatens them (?) Or one of the guys pointed out he has a gun a......   2 reply
12 03,2024
Okay so, elementary teach straight up abused, hit and assaulted students. Good thing, bro got arrested. My memory about this is pretty vague since it happened a really long time ago tho.   reply
12 03,2024
In chronological order: -consistent hornet attacks on the bus -teacher that was very blatantly flirting with a student in 4th grade -someone pulled down their pants and released their pp when the teacher left the room when i was in 5th grade, it was not flaccid :( -history/science teacher kept actively flirting with me after i got outted as lesbia......   5 reply
12 03,2024
During recess boys grabbing each other's balls. It was a thing for like a month. I still don't understand why.   1 reply
11 03,2024
The guys in my class fuck around nearly every day. One time they broke a window and then fixed it the same day. I honestly think the teacher is to lenient with us.   reply
11 03,2024
In math class in middle school I saw the guy next to me jacking off. And this wasn’t in class but some kids had sex behind the bleachers. I’m now realizing that apparently things like this have happened often. In high school I forgot what class it was but I saw a teacher throw a chair. Also I had a history teacher that would make up stories to ......   4 reply
11 03,2024

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