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me personally consent is mad sexy though im fine w some nc (just not my type), i wanna know whats hot abt it just curious
26 05,2024
17 07,2021
Why do we bake cookies and cook bacon
When we can just forget about the cookies all together and do bacon?
17 07,2021
17 07,2021
IDK BUT WHY TF CANT WE MUTE OUT NOTIFICATIONS??? IM GETTIN TIRED OF ALL THESE DAMN QUESTION NOTIFICATIONS AND NOT A MANGA UPDATE. if possible could someone pls tell me how do you make your notifs shut up peacefully
17 07,2021
17 07,2021
17 07,2021
Now that I have people's attention I wanna ask something.

Whenever I imagine myself dating a guy, it never goes any further than cuddling. This guy I had been friends with for 4 years asked me out and I rejected him. I proposed to my friend the next day while he was there watching. I have no problem imagining myself making out with my friend, but I almost puked whenever I imagined making out with the dude who asked me out.
(Note that the friend I proposed to is a girl.)

But when it comes to 2D men, I can't help but to simp, like Nanami from jjk. He is one fine man.

Um, is this being lesbian or some shit? Idk if y'all lesbian girls out there can imagine yourselves cuddling with a dude. I can do it, but it never goes beyond that. I am fine with sexual relationships between me and another girl, but I can't handle it if it's a boy.
12 06,2021
jing yi
24 04,2021
alright yall here i go:

CAN I JUST SAW I LOVE THE REINCARNATION TROPE. like both the reincarnated in a noble family and in a game types. its honestly just bad shit i like by now

also ex arm is fucking gold, go read the manga its unironically good (i still like the anime more tho).
24 04,2021
Now that I said the f-slur cancel me
07 02,2021
06 02,2021
Have yall ever slept in class, only waking up to be the only one in the room, or it just being u and ur teacher.

Happened to me today, my teacher yelling at me to go to class.
i feel the need to get this off my back
06 02,2021
gimme some straight romances. with smut.
something sensible please ;-;
i have barely seen any good het smut. either the plot is shit, or the girls have watermelon boobs, or both.
06 02,2021
holycow what, I can't comment, ask a question or do anything. Whenever i do, whatever i wrote or post just disappears? what have i done wrong, is this god's punishment??? did i read too much yaoi? did i talk and comment too much? did i say something offensive to the server? who behind this???

did i got ban or am i just too precious for this website
23 08,2020
i love my gorilla grip cooch <3
jk i like my eyes
23 08,2020