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Why do u think girls always rejects boys when they like her too much?
15 03,2024
Aniyae 02 02,2024
Does anyone here like dragons? Wyverns? Hydras?
02 02,2024
What villain do you think was the worst written? Too shallow? Not enough personality?

I cannot stand Dongrang tbh. I think he's one of the weakest main villains for me in limbus. He was boring at the start, then the reveal was okay, but then my interest went downhill immediately, and his short-lived villainy wasn't compelling enough. Ahab was much, much better holy shit i love my gaslighting queen~
07 01,2024
Nothing in the world belongs to me but my love is mine all mine
24 11,2023
I love the bitches that make me laugh
I love the hoes that post shit (literal shit)
I love the picrew crew...
I love the intense drama
I love the random rickrolls
I love you all, with all my heart....
I love how you keep me sane...

I'm sobbing here...
No mere words can express my feelings

23 07,2021
Bonus: Try to decipher my taste

Warning: do not bully my husbandos. You will suffer consequences.
14 07,2021
Me and my (first) boyfriend broke up a few weeks ago, like for real just becoming friends, no benefits and that shit anymore because we had that for like 2 months. But now i feel like im scared to ever fall in love again, because eventhough i love him so much and i liked our relationship but in the last months it really hurted me, us both. I honestly dont know what to do now. I really mis being in love and falling in love yk those nervous moments when talking to some one the butterflies but im scared to get hurt again and that i wont ever be able to feel that again or that i cant love some one as much as they love me, because i still love him alot and i think i always will. I dont even know if i should get over him or try getting him back, i just dont know anymore. I know i deserve something better, we both do. Im just so scared because i dont know what the futher will hold yk

Sometimes i wish i just never fell in love at all eventhough it gave me alot of nice moments
14 07,2021
No its not because you're ugly
Shut up about that and listen
And its not because you're unlovable or worthless or weird
Its not any of those
Stop that
Its because you haven't found the right person who will love you for who you are
Not change you into what they like
You're fine just the way you are and if you want to change then make sure its for yourself and not for some douche or some 2 faced snake
You're either happy or lonely about being single
And if you're happy about it, good for you! I'm happy you're living and spending some time only for yourself
And if you're lonely about it then stop that
Enjoy being single cause when you get a partner theres time where you're like "I remember when i was single..." so shut up and have fun! Theres still time before you get bound by the chains of having a relationship =]
14 07,2021
Heyy, Idk if its a mistake asking questions on mangago. But im just desperate and needed an advice for my situation, OkAY SO LISTEN

So i met this girl online. Where we could send letters to each other, yes its letters not text but letters. We got to known in each other in a week and then i dont know what just happen in a span of 2 weeks i guess? Shes been hinting at me that she likes me and stuff and i said to myself "fuck why not" and confessed to her, At the time i know its crush and stuff, I felt happy when she likes me back and now idk if we're dating now or jjust, and im not sure how i feel now, whether i like her platonically or romantically. Like how do i even know if you like someone platonically??!? Like can yall give me some examples, and how do i know if im in love with them and genuinely like them as a person. Now shes kind of waiting for my letters, And I havent replied yet. I don't want to play with her feelings if all of this stuff between me and her is just platonic from the very start.

Im sorry if this confusingg jshsjd

Like is there any signs that i must have to know if i dont like them?

PlS givE me SignS, Im unaware and dont know what is my feelings

Ill answer back if you have any questionss, pLs For EveryOne who has Experience with this kind of stuff, Its my first time 'liking' someone and they actually like me back.
13 07,2021
How do people understand romantic love. I get the love between friends and family. What does it feel like falling in love. How can girls say "I'm in love with this guy" bitch you don't even know him personally how can you love him. How do you all even get crushes. Does getting a crush on someone means you're sexually attracted to them? To those boys who confessed to me that they loved me...what do you love about me. My looks? My fake personality I made for specific people? How can you you like me if you don't even know me?
Seriously after reading all those romance stories, dating random people to experiment, I'm still super confused about how people fall in love. I can't relate to them.
According to me dating someone wastes time and money. Why do I need to buy you stuff? Why are you venting your problems to me? Am i your therapist? Then pay me and I'll listen.
13 07,2021
you can use this as a vent. so your worst unrequited love story, worst breakup, current issues with your significant other, your horrible love life/lack of a lover overall, etc. anything you havent been able to share with anyone but you're fine with sharing with strangers who will forget abt you.
dont judge each other, that'd defeat the purpose of this thread. you can always come back to this if you need to.
anyway no this is not tinder so dont start hooking up- altho id love to be a matchmaker im not tryna feel more single than i already do rn.
13 07,2021
When they vented today they said "What am i living for now anyways" and that just set it off for me..
They're making it seem like they want to... Well...
But then they said "if ever i can't hold on be my voice, alright?" And then "Hey if i really do go can you fulfill all the things i wanted to do"
I'm really worried
I can't lose them... Not now...
They're basically the only person i talk to... What do i do.......
If ever i get a super power that makes everyone around me feel happier and better for the price of my own happiness then i'd gladly take it... If i lose them its over...
05 07,2021
what do y'all think abt falling inlove?
do y'all think its a good thing or bad?
05 07,2021
Aniyae 22 06,2021
22 06,2021
The three most common answers: Love and affection

Common answers for you providing in the relationship: No need or affection.

Allow me to give you a lecture. If you don't care or didnt answer seriously, then please leave because this is very serious.

Relatioships built solely on love and affection will die out. Relationships built on those two without an plans will also die out. You need to seriously think about what you want and what you will give in a relationship. It isn't money, and in most functional relationships, money and sex aren't the main factor. Some people named off what they wanted, but didn't even try to talk about what they would give in a relationship. And when they did, their mind immediately went to money and their partner asking them to provide something = greed. It is not greedy of your partner to ask something of you, whether it be a favor or a nice time out. Even if it was money, try to examine the motives before calling them greedy. Do you think of yourself as greedy when you ask for something?

Sure, money and sometimes sex are integral for continue living, but have you considered the following:

>> giving your time, your emotional support, encouragement, and advice & knowledge
>> physically supporting ie. massage, holding hands, touching in general that isn't sex (caressing, hugging, hairdressing, bathing together)
>> learning about other perspectives and compromising, immense patience, doing reasonable favors for your partner, expanding your boundaries for your partner (for example, going to outings when youre antisocial, reading with them when you're not much of a book reader, going outside when you're a hardcore gamer [lol]).
>> Willingness to communicate and ask questions, but also knowing when not to pry, having conversations in general, sensitivity and care toward the partner whether it be mentally or physically

Personally, I think this is a great start for a relationship. Obviously people in a relationship need to find what exactly works for them in their lifetime, but knowing full well what you can offer and what you expect in a relationship is integral. Notice how there was no mention of financial status or appearance and stature.

This is not the slave and the master. This is not a duchess and servant relationship. You are not a queen in a two-person relationship unless you are the Pro Domme (dominatrix) or Pro Dom in a BDSM relationship. You two are equals, different in other ways but adding up to be of equal importance and significance. Therefore you should expect to recieve but also to give.

Long lasting and fulfilling relationships are built on sacrifice, commitment, and kindness. If you are comfortable making a small change or a huge sacrifice for a long-term (hopefully) warm reality, then you are of a great track to having a supportive partner.
18 05,2021