IHateReality 10 04,2021
My teacher And She already have a boyfriend   reply
10 04,2021
I was a little brat in kindergarten, all I can remember was me getting into fights with other kids and then having to sit in the corner. There was only one kid I was nice to because he told me his brother was the red power ranger and I didn’t want the red ranger to be mad at me.   2 reply
10 04,2021
I just said I had a crush on this dude cause I wanted to know other people's crushes Yeah I was a nosy child   reply
10 04,2021
10 04,2021
lol you guys had crushes jeez everyone was crushing over me because of my smarts and beauty (▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
10 04,2021
24 09,2020
My first crush was when I was in 2nd grade, We only made eye contact never met him again.   reply
24 09,2020
hennessey 24 09,2020
So uh we would hang out after class on our school campus buy some snacks (the school was huge) and the he would walk me to my bus and then one day before spring break I think he was like promise me we'll see each other I again I was like yea lmao and he made me pinky swear but I never saw him again because I moved countries I still think about him ......   reply
24 09,2020
Mangagirl 24 09,2020
I did have a crush when I was in kindergarten. He's my seatmate and I just realized now that he's a perfect example of a cinnamon roll. We got close cause I was that intelligent antisocial kid who looks like she judges people every second while he is the girly looking boy. Basically we often get bullied so we ended up being friends because we know ......   reply
24 09,2020
24 09,2020
You guys remember what you did in kindergarten???? Wut   3 reply
24 09,2020
24 09,2020
i dont really remember but there was a boy who wanted to show me everything and dragged me everywhere. we always held hands and even made a promise we would get married to each other, now i dont even remember his name or face lmao   reply
24 09,2020
Icetear 24 09,2020
Haha, I actually had a "boyfriend" and we went around for a few days telling everyone how we would get married one day. We even got into the same school though different classes and didn't have much contact anymore. When I mentioned that kindergarten-episode to him in second grade he fell off the couch. It was really cute. ^.^   reply
24 09,2020

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