Gray 04 07,2020
Me and my friend first met when we were in 6th grade and I didn't feel attracted/connected to her until 7th grade until something happen to make that emotional connection. After that I wanted to learn everything I could learn about her and spenting time with her nearly all the time. I was really jealous of the people who got close to her too. I was pretty dense too I only named what I was feeling after reading a manga about some unrequired love and by how that character behaved I thought what I was feeling at that time was actually love.
After naming my feeling, I was overwhelmed and start to feel depressed because they was no way that she loved me as well. So I wanted to confess to her and get rid of this feeling but I couldn't find the courage.
I also started to question if I was really in love. The reason being my heart doesn't make badump or I don't get butterflies. There are times I look at her and smile like I'm an idiot. I feel really relaxed around her like I can open up my really self and she won't be disgust. I feel like all my heavy emotions disaapear when I see her too. I also hurt or act badly to some people that get close to her because I was jealous of their relationship.
I don't know if I admire her as a friend or love her romantically as a partner?! I feel like I'm more confused now after naming what that feeling is.
I don't feel like I'm close to her anymore and I'm starting feel like there are lots of things I don't know about her too.My jealously also kind a died down a lot even tough there is still a little left. I actually choose to go to a different uni because I didn't want to get jealous others or hurt people who got close to her. It just seems like this backfired since I think her nearly all the time.
I'm becaming unsure of my feelings. I feel like not seeing her for so long made the emotional connection I felt get thinner. Now I just wanna know if this feeling is love or admiration I felt for her and what can I do next if it's love.
04 07,2020
Yes and yes and also no(?). I'm a guy (alpha) and he's also a guy, LOL. About a year ago we fell in love with each other (r e a l l y long story that I'm gonna shorten n' prob cut out some good stuff). We have the same birthday and we're a year apart in age. He was going through some stuff and so was I tbh. It started it out as "straight" friends......   5 reply
22 11,2018
OK. Long and nostalgic. Here we go. I loved this guy, but I still can’t say I was IN love with him. We were best friends in 8th grade (some years back). At first that was what we were, friends, then best friends, and then I realized I liked him. A lot. It was a slow thing, or at least it felt slow. It took me awhile to realize what I felt and i......   2 reply
15 10,2018
I wouldn't say love... [Experience]
Kitty 15 10,2018
I wouldn't say love...I liked her and wanted to sleep with her in high school. I had a boyfriend at the time, and she did as well but I was such an ass when I was younger. I still told her and got soo mad that she declined me. It was the first and only time I was ever rejected by a person, so as an immature asshole I gave her the silent treatment a......   reply
15 10,2018
15 10,2018
I had a crush on my best friend since seventh grade and now she's dating my old crush. I knew her since first grade. I was planning to tell her when I'm a sophomore in high school. It's my first year in high school... yay... My crush said that she's dating my old crush in the middle of the school year. My heart was so broken, but I was happy for he......   1 reply
15 10,2018
13 10,2018
i had fallen for her after 6 years of us being best friends. i tolder at Christmas time and she turned me down. then in the summer she called me one day she said that at the time she was worried about what people would think if we had got together since we are both girls. but she said that now she has more courage. she asked me out and we are curre......   3 reply
13 10,2018
don't do it! [Experience]
17 07,2018
I did, and it didn't work out. He liked me in freshman year of high school, but I didn't see him in that light back then. Flash forward to senior year and I could not stop thinking about this guy. He'd drive me crazy by sending mixed signals all the time. He'd hold my hand under the table. He leaned over and said he liked me one time. We'd talk a......   reply
17 07,2018
Oh god...yeah. I thought he didn't know because he acted the same way for an entire year. But apparently I was way too obvious so he knew all along; And when I got the courage to tell him (because he kept pissing me off about why I tried to distant myself from him) he just told me "Oh, I already knew about that" and theeeeen he just shrugged like m......   4 reply
17 07,2018
Yea, I loved her, but she didn't know, well I hoped she didn't. Recently I learned she was bi (or pan, she kept saying both) and I felt like I had a chance, but then she got a boyfriend ahahaa. . . I don't like her anymore though :) And i'm super duper happy, because her boyfreidn was her crush in like 3rd grade, but he moved away but now he is......   1 reply
16 07,2018
NOP in fact I never fell in love but I pity the guy who will have my love ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   2 reply
16 07,2018

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