Thankfully no. I don't think I will ever fall in love with a friend cause shits kinda awkward.   reply
03 07,2021
even if I do, it doesn't matter she's straight and I live in a homophobic country and I don't want to destroy her future because of my crush on her,   reply
03 07,2021
Yup I had a crush on my best friend in 4th grade it was also when I found out I was bi I heard she was bi too but I also found out that she kinda had an attitude with me   reply
03 07,2021
Yes, I'm dating her now. Y'all could never.   reply
03 07,2021
yes and yes, i had a huge crush on her for the past three years, she was actually the person who made me realize i liked girls, so in like 2018 i confessed to her and she rejected me but last year she confessed to me so i told her my feelings but we were both too shy to bring it up again, then a few months ago we started flirting with each other, t......   reply
03 07,2021
03 06,2021
this happened two days ago! she said she has liked me for about two years now. i still can't believe it but i'm really happy :')   1 reply
03 06,2021
Well to be honest, i never know that we would fall for each other. We are seatmates and we become each others support system since we both experience some problems at home. We get to know each other more to the point that we are clingy like a couple. Then i realized that i started to fall for him, but i am afraid to confess. Some of his friends tea......   reply
06 04,2021
I felt the same my friends, one in 6th grade, she was very sporty, and I really liked her, I was kinda mad at times when my other friends got close to her, cause tbh she was cute and all of that. This was before I read manga and stuff, so I didn't know if I liked her, and I was so confused cause I was a girl (btw this was before I knew wh......   reply
06 04,2021
You can have a friend of the opposite gender without catching any romantic feelings, don't worry. I have two male clasmates that i often talked to but overall, i get along with my male classmates and they're really nice. Like sure they always like to tease and annoy me but they're really sweet, like one of them nominated me as the "nicest classmate......   reply
06 04,2021

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