I always rate the stories i like 5 stars, like overall but even though i got tired of it i never changed the ratings...i always forgot about it anyways.   reply
04 04,2021
I rate them religiously when i first started then i slowly dont give a fuck anymore,i never rate anything now lol i just add it to my list and go on.   reply
04 04,2021
I dont often give ratings unless I feel strongly about it

if I dislike the drawing, I stop reading if it bothers me too much but not rate it at all bc the creator actually organized the story.

you're entitled to dislike some attributes of the story but if you're gonna do all that nitpicking, actually rate it as a whole too.

Now what annoys me is when someone gives one star because
1. they didn't read the damn tags, "I didnt notice the tag yuri. Urgh......no wonder i thought the guy is too feminine that i scream off frustrating!!!!" Idek what to say about this who like doesn’t read the tags so childish that you take that anger out to one star when its you’re fault

2. the translation is bad which has nothing to do with the story! like shit on the translators in the comments if you want not the manga you read HERE

3."boring" "not fan of the art" I can somewhat understand but it still goes back to nitpicking, is it really reasonable that you give it a one star?? like if it doesn't flow, let it go. "not in the mood for the angst" then you're not gonna enjoy the story! if you don’t want to read angsty stuff why torture yourself.

TLDR - - unreasonable low ratings constitute to how a story is presented and receive low views as a result, even those who want read after looking over the description might second this choice bc of the ratings.
04 04,2021
[DELETED] 17 03,2021
Well that must've been a nightmare.   reply
17 03,2021
17 03,2021
Wait how was it though? Did you get to jerk off? Did it feel nice?   reply
17 03,2021
black lotus
17 03,2021
17 03,2021
Bestie I'm sad [Answer]
black lotus
17 03,2021
That’s totally fine I promise, freezing up in front of your crush is understandable and totally not worth you berating yourself over it. I have a crush on one of my friends and I have also tried to confess, but I froze up. You aren’t alone, and most importantly, you shouldn’t think any less of yourself for not being able to confess! Just wait......   reply
17 03,2021
Bestie I'm sad [Answer]
17 03,2021
You do you, you confess if you want to you do you...LOL BUT REMEMBER TO READ MY WEBTOON WHEN IT COMES OUT(⌒▽⌒)   reply
17 03,2021
Bestie I'm sad [Answer]
Creaming my jeans
17 03,2021
It's normal to be nervous around the person we like but I'm here for you bestie and don't beat yourself down like that   reply
17 03,2021
Bestie I'm sad [Question]
Forg 17 03,2021
I almost confessed to my friend but I chickened out cause I'm too much of a pussy
17 03,2021

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