28 09,2020
Call your mum out on all her toxic behaviour and if she pushes threaten to cut her out of your life.   reply
28 09,2020
28 09,2020
Tell your sister that you are worried maybe she can find a solution so your mom won't invade your privacy If you want you can always pm me if you need to talk to someone :)   reply
28 09,2020
Taku~ 27 09,2020
Maybe make an excuse to not talk about it like, "Mom, my neice is around, let's talk about it later." or something like, "Mom, I'm uncomfortable to talk about this, could you not bring it up?"   1 reply
27 09,2020
What you need to know:

I've been depressed for a very long time due to the fact that my family didn't know how to deal with my eating disorder and instead of continuing my therapy they decided to take matters into their own hands, but instead of talking to me and finding solutions it felt like they were just trying to punish me everytime I had a fall out,I did my research and found what type of e.d. I had when I tried talking about it with my mom but she told me 'then why didn't you stop doing that already, do you know the amount of stress you've caused everyone' I got agitated with what she just said and told her that my environment had a big factor in it, she didn't want to anymore so she walked out on me, when I told my older sister about how I've been feeling she came to my rescue and suggested that I come live with her in the uk my answer was undoubtedly yes, but my mom and other siblings didn't agree and tried to wi me over by saying stuff like 'we can talk about whatever's troubling you' and 'remember that we're here for you', they must think I'm stupid or something to actually listen to that bullshit, anyways since I've started living with my sister I've had no fallouts and I feel I've got to know myself a bit more

The problem:
Because my sister is travelling she asked my mom's coming to look after me and my niece, I'm scared that she's going to pressure me to talk to her about my mental health, she doesn't respect my privacy either so she's most definitely going to inspect my phone for anything unholy and sinful witch is going to result in her going to force to come home back with her

My question:

How can I try to stop all of that from happening, keep my mind intact and not have another fallout
27 09,2020
Friends and Yaoi. [Experience]
...... 18 03,2019
Growing up,my life was pretty boring.Wake up in the morning,go to school,come back,repeat.I didn't talk to many people except this one girl.Her name was Denica!She was really really shy,but little by little she grew out of it.Well,not really,but she's way less shy now.Everything was "normal" until 6th grade came up.I found out about yaoi!I felt lik......   reply
18 03,2019
You should have started earlier tbh xdd First Just read through the whole book, skip what’s not needed like an overview. Then make notes and questions. Check Internet sources too. Try Answering the Exam questions from earlier years if it’s possible.. Success!   1 reply
28 05,2018
In just few months and I will take an entrance exam for my college years. I am currently worried and stress because I don't know what to do in able for me to pass. What kind of study do I need to make? Do I need to review the whole lesson of my high school years? And what's worse, my parents were expecting me to get qualify on that particular university here in the Philippines. Please give me some advice fellow yaoi lovers ╥﹏╥ Thank you in advance.
27 05,2018
Happy Again with Manga [Experience]
Richie Rich
20 05,2018
I've just reached the end of my college, just waiting for graduation, and I realize that I'm terribly exhausted. I know I've been tired of this college for a long time, but now it all come crashing down on me now that it's all about to end, like all the fatigue finally circulates my body after all the times of fighting it so that I can get up in th......   1 reply
20 05,2018

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