NOV 13 [Question]
itsme_ 13 11,2020
13 11,2020
13 11,2020
I wish people would just be more openminded (especially where I live). I really hope I can surround myself with better people in the future:/   reply
13 11,2020
13 11,2020
I hate school. I just wanna burn that bitch, TOO much work, the teachers are the worst,im failing every class and just wanna punch everyone because of how annoying they are. LIKE LET ME BREATH. Totally not thinking of dropping out-   1 reply
13 11,2020
HOLY fawk im not okay like im legit not okay and i want help i really do, i am beyond depressed i dont have any motivation my favorite time of the day is fucking sleeping bc i hate reality and its like my escape from everything, i drink and smoke but those only last a short while out taking me out of reality, sometimes i go on walk a night and stan......   3 reply
13 11,2020
Tbh I’m good today. I bought myself some food, actually participated in my classes, and no one decided to act like a cunt to me online so I’m doing great.   reply
13 11,2020
my fucking art teacher like literally called me out infront of the whole class and for what like i didnt do anything to deserve that except for not paying attention in his class he can suck my balls anyways thanks for letting me rant   reply
13 11,2020
I wish human beings would be nicer and more respectful of one another. Yes, ik it's hard but i feel like people get shat on for even their small mistakes.   reply
13 11,2020
just rant man idc what about let it all out like all of it
13 11,2020
13 11,2020
Awwwww i love you too sweetie   reply
13 11,2020
13 11,2020
thank you so much! I really appreciate when people take time to write these, they're always so sweet and cute haha :) have a great day!   reply
13 11,2020

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