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no cuz my cat shat in my bowl and there was ICE CREAM in the bowl so i had this brilliant idea and sprinkled a bit of cat fur and gave it to my ex who cheated on me TWICE and he pissed on my front lawn with the girl he cheated on me /w anyways forgot he was severely allergiced to cat hair now hes on life support also it was chocolate ice cream and i removed the shit so there were tiny shit stains on the ice cream and turns out his girl was 8 monthes pregnant and gave birth to a black baby (theyre both white)

so whos excited for tokyo revengers season 3?
29 09,2023
i just found out that my friend’s sister is currently dating my ex, personally i don’t have a problem if my ex is dating anyone really but I was really shocked that he started dating her because i mean my friend’s sister we’re not friends but we’re acquaintances so i was really surprised but they’ve been dating for months and she knows that he’s my ex and we hang out together in the past so im kinda disappointed that she would do that and I also found out that she’s been hiding her post and stories in socmed from me, like I think she knows that is kinda off dating my ex when she know me personally to the point hiding their relationship from me. So am I the crazy one for feeling disappointed and kinda upset that shes dating my ex when he’s my ex already?
29 09,2023
For me its tongue or septum.
29 09,2023