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I have to get this off my chest.

Basically, back in high school senior year, an average looking korean dude transfers to our high school. (Imo he looked average. He just knew how to style himself well). All of the younger kpop girlies started calling him 'oppa' & tried to get close to him. However he never got friendly with them (probably cuz dude could smell the fetishizing from a mile away LMAO). He was the TALK of our school cuz kpop was very popular at that time.

A close friend of mine and the korean dude became quickly acquainted due to their love of drinking, smoking, and partying.

And because the kpop girlies wanted to get close to the Korean dude and was extremely envious of my friend for successfully befriending the guy, they started shit talking him and my friend.

Prior to realizing the guy wants nothing to do with them, they praised him for being "so handsome" and "tall". After not being able to get close AND seeing the guy get along just fine with another girl, they started calling him "not so handsome" and "not as tall as their kpop oppas back in korea". Called my friend "desperate" for attention from a "true korean". They really out there describing themselves and not see the irony lol.

I was a kpop fan back then too but when I tell you I cringed so hard at these girls fetishizing kpop idols, fetishizing this random ass korean dude. The moment they couldn't get that kpop ideal fantasy out of that Korean dude, they TURNED ON HIM. He transferred out like half a year later lol (fyi not due to any of the kpop girls cringe tho. The guy just traveled a lot cuz his family's work. So his transfer to our school was temporary to begin with). Even then they still complained about "he wasn't even that big a deal" like GURLS stop lying.

They were all over him but pretended it wasnt a big deal to make themselves feel better about their desperation. It was so embarrassing. Felt bad for the guy. He definitely seemed to enjoy the attention since he looked the type (play boy party type) but those kpop girlies were doing the most with their fetishizing. If I was him, even if I enjoyed the attention, I wouldnt wanna be near these people who dont even like me for me, but only like me because I'm korean and they can pretend I'm kpop.

I wonder if they ever look back at their desperation and cringe like I do lolol. They were young and impressionable, so I get it. But hope they've at least grown out of fetishizing kpop culture tho. If not, then yikes.

End rant. Just had to get this story off my chest. The world needs to know the cringe of kpop fans.
10 09,2023
i am definitely not up to date on any of this lol sorry

...what did they do? why are they toxic? why does even just mentioning them make some people angry?
27 05,2021