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My friend wanna come to my house bc she want me teach her some hw but rn im not in the mood to do hw so i wanna say no but yk i kinda feel bad. Help me 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
23 05,2021
• Being late
• Things I said 5 min ago
• Things I said 5 years ago
• People touching me
• Being around a ton of people
• Being yelled at
• Wondering if people are talking about me
• Every action I do
• and just about everything else
21 05,2021
I don't know why I feel nervous around people, especially in school and in public. I know the people around aren't paying attention to me, but I still feel anxious. Even on google meet doing a presentation, I feel nervous. My mom says that I just need to talk more and go outside more. I talk with my friends a lot over text but I'm nervous around them in person, I want to say something but I can't.
09 05,2021
Like when you use your phone in the car while its moving type of dizzy
I feel like i wanna puke
09 05,2021
[DELETED] 02 05,2021
So a little while ago I tried to open up about my depression and sexual abuse to my mom and somehow this bitch made it about grades I swear one day-
Anybody else?
02 05,2021
sharmaine369 02 05,2021
Should i cut my bangs or nah?My hair is currently on mullet stage and i cant decide if i should cut my bangs to look more like a girl
02 05,2021