11 05,2024
the future and setting foot out of my house   reply
11 05,2024
11 05,2024
Skinship ʅ(◞c◟)ʃ   reply
11 05,2024
How I handle [Experience]
11 05,2024
I used to get anxiety going to school bcaz I have to talk to people (in any shape or form most of all caz I have low energy ) and it got so much worse after I broke up with my best friend (I got depression ) so i quit school and took GED then I got into college now I’m very picky with who i talk with (bcaz of the community becomes much bigger and......   reply
11 05,2024
27 05,2021
-Shouting -People staring at me - Going outside and seeing lots of people - Seeing people I recognize - Being last - Being first - Sneezing in public - My mom doing something wrong and people telling her she's not supposed to do that - Seeing an extroverted person (it surprises me and kind of scary when they speak to me) - not being able to tra......   reply
27 05,2021
s(O_O)s 23 05,2021
Sorry, maybe another time, I’m busy. Maybe we can meet up later on or we can have a video call sometime so I can teach you. Or you can text me the problems you need help on. Or say sorry I don’t know how to solve or teach that stuff. Or sorry, one of my family members have Covid.   reply
23 05,2021
23 05,2021
"Sorry no I'm busy today"   reply
23 05,2021
Heyyy 23 05,2021
The three things u could do is lie, tell the truth or say that your busy doing something that makes sense   reply
23 05,2021
23 05,2021
No thank you, I have covid, oh I am busy right now, My mom says no, I have to walk my dog, I am tired right now, I'll teach you tomorrow..... I can keep going if you want....... Edit: Don't tell them you have covid unless you do.............   reply
23 05,2021
My friend wanna come to my house bc she want me teach her some hw but rn im not in the mood to do hw so i wanna say no but yk i kinda feel bad. Help me 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
23 05,2021
deadass anything that involves me being around big groups of people . im very socially awkward so i reflect heavily on things i say, and heavily judge myself on the slightest things .   reply
22 05,2021

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