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27 10,2020
I can't even go trick or treating this year and im bored so tell me some true creepy stories that happened to you or someone you know. Mine is pretty basic, thought I closed the door but it was open and I was home alone, pretty sure I was just being paranoid.
27 10,2020
I, (SPOOPY) N_I_C_O_L_E is going to get married to my babe, Are you fucking spoopy

Stalking neighbours, crazy upstairs neighbours and everyone is invited to our wedding!!

I'm so happy ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
27 10,2020
You know, loving someone makes me feel like I have a purpose, a purpose to protect, care, work, love them. But the thing is the one that I love doesn't love me back. Even my family don't felt sincere in loving me. For me, it just kinda hurt at the same time happy. Happy because it's always my dream to suicide. Nobody cares about me so why not just kill myself than annoying them, right?
11 07,2020
I never had a true (close) friend before, but this year I met someone with whom I really get along well. I feel a strong connection between us and I know around that person I am a bit different but in a good way. I am straight tho, and she even has a boyfriend but sometimes I feel like a want to hug her and be more close to her (protect her and talk to her too), something that never happened before because I'm a cold person. Do you feel like that around a friend of yours, might this be a really strong friendship or...?
09 03,2020
Actually my family is forcing me to get married and i'm 24 but tbh i don't want to get married and i'm kinda afraid to marry some stranger, i don't believe in long time relationship, at some point everyone get fade up and many people regret about their marriage. No one in my family understand how i feel and even i tried talking with them but no use. Marriage and Relationship has been a big fear of mine. so i don't how to face them now. i don't how to love someone for long time!!! Tbh i always ask questions to myself like, what is love ?, how can you love someone for long time, what if you regret about it ?

English is not my first language, sorry if there is any mistake...
22 07,2018
I just set up a gofundme in hopes I can raise some funds for vet care for the little guy. I've spent so much already on vet care and can't afford to treat this new condition that came up. He's been throwing up blood :((

Any support is appreciated!
05 06,2018
04 06,2018
My question may seem strange but until recently I was sure that I was asexual but now I don't really know anymore...
Well, let me explain, I'm 16 and I'm a girl. I've never fallen in love with men or women and even more, I've never felt the need to love or to be loved. I have some really good friends and I was really happy with just that and the thought that I would stay alone my whole life never really bothered me...
But last year, I started becoming more aware about a girl in my class. I don't think it was love, I just really wanted to become friend with her (and I succeed by the way, I'm her best friend now) but I didn't feel jealousy or the need to be always with her, just talking with her was enough for me. It seems that it was what's called a "squish".
So until recently, the fact that I was asexual and aromantic was for me clear, but now I started having other feelings for a second girl in my class, she's also my friend by the way. The moment when I started having doubts was when I saw her in dress for the first time, while normally she only wears pants, and I thought "Wow, she's so pretty", and I can't explain why but I knew certainly that I've never felt like that before. And after I wanted to become closer to her, to talk to her more, to stare to her more in class and I started being slightly jealous but I never showed it cause I know it would be so annoying for her... And I know for sure that I will never say to her that I don't really know the feelings I have for her. I know it's more than just a really good friendship but in the same time, dating her is clearly not my priority. If she loves me then I would be greatly okay and I would be really happy of course but if she loves someone else then I'm sure that I will help her to date this person, her hapiness is the priority. She's really the first one for who I feel like that, juste seing her or talking to her on fb makes me happy but it's not like if I don't talk to her I'm really sad, and I don't specially need or even want skinship... Even imagining a kiss feels weird, it's strange isn't it?
To sum up, I know it's more than friendship but don't dating her don't bother me. Can someone relate? Do you think it's love? According to you should I tell her what I feel? Honestly I don't know anymore, all answer is welcoming (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

PS: I'm french and clearly english isn't my best subject so if I have made a mistake please tell me, it would help me to improve my level!
04 06,2018