You should love and value yourself more, protect, care, and work for yourself. Committing suicide is not a good idea because you will no longer be alive to know if your death annoyed them or not. If you want to annoy the ones you love than live well and become successful to make them jealous of you, and regret not loving you.   2 reply
11 07,2020
You know, loving someone makes me feel like I have a purpose, a purpose to protect, care, work, love them. But the thing is the one that I love doesn't love me back. Even my family don't felt sincere in loving me. For me, it just kinda hurt at the same time happy. Happy because it's always my dream to suicide. Nobody cares about me so why not just kill myself than annoying them, right?
11 07,2020
I have not. When I’m with my closest friends, we make jokes and we are touchy but the feeling has never gone further than sisters. I do occasionally want to hug them but I like hugs in general. I think maybe you have to ask yourself if what you want to do you would do for a sister.   reply
11 03,2020
I won't lie, I don't have a definite answer for you, just wanna reassure you and tell you I experienced the same thing in high school. I also met a girl with my same interests and she was also shy and kind of a loner like me. We got along very well after we got to know each other. I'm pretty sure it was because she was my only close friend, but I b......   reply
09 03,2020
I never had a true (close) friend before, but this year I met someone with whom I really get along well. I feel a strong connection between us and I know around that person I am a bit different but in a good way. I am straight tho, and she even has a boyfriend but sometimes I feel like a want to hug her and be more close to her (protect her and talk to her too), something that never happened before because I'm a cold person. Do you feel like that around a friend of yours, might this be a really strong friendship or...?
09 03,2020
You probably just haven't met someone that would make you feel contended. You just gotta find more people, go out more... But if you're marrying at the age of 24 then that's sad. Lol Forced Marriages suck as fuck. Hold on there brotha   reply
25 07,2018
If they can't understand you, I'd suggest talking to some other adult family member who understands you and may convince your family. If not, I'd suggest that you leave that place. Get help from your friends and people you know who might be useful. I know its easier said than done but seriously forcing someone into marriage is abuse. You don't hav......   reply
25 07,2018
Oh man, it feels like you are from India(cuz i am) you know arranged marriage uhhh. I'm 20 right now but i know when i hit 25 something, my family will expect me to marry someone . I too am confused because on one hand what you said is true, how can you love the same person for your entire life and i too don't know how to commit ,but I think you ca......   3 reply
25 07,2018
Am I in love? [Answer]
Rabbit Lover! 22 07,2018
From what I understand, you're more than happy with the way things are now. You're still young and developing. There is no need to pursue someone when you feel content with how things are. Leaving the whole 'label' business outside of the equation, I think you should just enjoy yourself and live the way you want to. Life and romance aren't stories ......   reply
22 07,2018
22 07,2018
In my opinion no one has the right to force anyone into marriage, not even your family. You don´t have to answer if you don´t want to, but is it an arraged marriage? If so theres all the more reason not to marry. I think you should try and learn more about yourself and about love or you might really regret it later. But I´m no expert, I don´t ......   reply
22 07,2018

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