An ex of mine would let me know all the time that our relationship was not a forever thing and was time-limited. It felt like it was more of a situationship than a relationship tbh even though we were "official". He's from an Asian country and well I'm a white girl from the US so I was kind of understanding. He would constantly say how his parents ......   2 reply
14 08,2024
XiYue 14 08,2024
a girl i thought was a good friend of mine, who also used to be my roommate in the uni dorms on my first year, simply leaked who i had a crush on, resulting in a waaaaay too slowburned passive-aggressive fight and the loss of him as a friend (fuck him ultimately but still) the story did the tour of her new friend groupe, and the fact she told me h......   reply
14 08,2024
My ex best friend said the n-word   reply
14 08,2024
14 08,2024
3 betrayals story so prepare for a goddamn storytime LMFAO 1. Irl friendship betrayal, when they believed my ex-gf who cheated over me?? My ex-gf made up fake allegations how I "abused" her so that's why she cheated... Mf she literally kept asking me for money and my ppl pleaser ass kept giving and giving, yknow I TRIED so hard to be a genuinely g......   reply
14 08,2024
13 08,2024
A discord friendship betrayal is so painful doesn't compare to anything.   2 reply
13 08,2024
I dunno if this feel betrayed but here a lil story about me when i was a kid. I was a typical smart azz funny bully kid two face president in my classroom (ikr it cringe so bear with it). I think it was grade 3 or 4 in elementary i dont really much remember what grade i was. Anyway that day there this new transfer student in our school grade and s......   reply
13 08,2024
man its so cringe when i think about it but when i was like 7-8 in church i was rly weird. basically there were boys in church and i would try to see whos "the most worthy candidate for my love" i go and tell everyone that i like boy A (7-8 year old me thinks that whoever looks the best with me is gonna be my husband right...) and boy A is lik......   2 reply
13 08,2024
Shh 13 08,2024
the day i found out my uncle is a kiddy diddler part 2 .   reply
13 08,2024
when I was small, I thought my dad was a good person who loved me. when I grew up, it was clear that wasn't the case since to him, there are only two groups in the world, men and women. if you don't know what that suggests, you are very lucky.   reply
13 08,2024
The Tiktok hooligans that introduced me to bls like super lover, junjou romantica and dakaretai otoko I hope y'all fucking die. that has completely ruined how I was supposed to turn out as a person and now here I am on this site ranting instead of investing in businesses   reply
13 08,2024

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