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Bruh- I grew up watching the swan princess and earlier today I remembered about it again and searched it up.... THE PRINCE IS SO UGLLYYYY IN MY MEMORIES HE WASNT THAT BAD ლ(◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) LOOK AT HIS FUCKING HAIR DJDBDBDJSKDK
04 07,2021
yukina 14 05,2021
am i the only one here who doesn't let herself be optimistic? my brain is just conditioned to think about the worst case scenario bc bad things often happen to me. like when i try to think that something will go well, it wouldn't. so i just try to expect for the worst so when the worst actually happens, i wouldn't be too disappointed.

i'm actually leading a group in research now and i've been anxious for a week. i'd wake up early in the morning, think of the things i have to do, then my heart will palpitate and it would just be hard to fall asleep again.

idk i really just wanted to make myself feel better by posting this here :/
14 05,2021
yallre literally so fucking sweet and yall just keep being such happy little ladybugs and honestly yallre such sweet little sunshines like yall just love reaing your manga and yall dont judge other people and you guys just care for other people so much and its so kind and the vibes here are so good and i dont know what id do without you people like yall brighten my day up a whole bunch and yall just radiate good energy and whatever them happy chemicals are im so proud to even see yall doing and becoming great things
09 05,2021
09 05,2021
my great grandma is getting desperate
her) Girlfriend? Boyfriemd?
me) No
her) Why you so handsome
me) I dont know
her) Text me when you have picture

then she started speaking chinese to me...I asked my grandma what it meant and she said if i dont date someone soon im going to be alone forever...
Im only in high ill be fine.. maybe
09 05,2021
Someone rlly put Wang yibo as Zhan xiao's spouse im crying
08 05,2021
08 05,2021
It was 5th grade, reading time. I could feel it churning in my stomach. The feeling bubbled up, getting bigger and bigger. I knew it was almost time. The ice cream and the cup of milk i had that morning was not helping in this situation, and i needed a plan, quick. I came up with a great idea. When i sit down on that fat pillow next to the books, i would spread my booty cheeks just a bit to silence the fart (im a professional.) Next, i would let the pillow soak up all the smell, if there was any. It was prefect, but now i had to execute it. I took my book, and marched to the reading corner. But, everything went horribly wrong. When my butt started to fall on the cushion, the fart had already came out, for it had reached its limit. I could feel the tingling sensation as it escaped my butthole. The fart was long and loud, like a nuclear bomb explosion. It echoed off the walls, and bounced right back to me. I sat in horror, for my plan was down the drain. The fart that was supposed to be silent was crisp and wafted through the air. Everyone stared at me.... and i blamed it on my book when i had closed it.
08 05,2021
ಥ‿ಥ 08 05,2021
This is a bit triggering, my parents are fighting and Im right here beside my siblings trying to calm them down. At this point I dont think I can hold on anymore I just cant

Im sorry for this Its just too much for me
08 05,2021
I made another question on here
Yes I’m relatively new, that’s why I asked if it’s always been this crazy
24 04,2021
I am just wondering. Is the need for attention a bit part of being a human since we are social animals?
24 04,2021
Rn it’s crazy

Clown pedo guy wants to date 10 year olds down the street what is going on ???
24 04,2021
The lush ones burn my skin for some reason

But I like them overall
24 04,2021
idk man like these days my life just sucks and i always feel like my life has no meaning because

first of all my family is shit and they dont know that im a sensitive human being so they just throw random hurtful words at me and dont know that im mentally being affected and i feel that if i confront them theyre just gonna judge me even more

second of all my social life is also shit. i always have social anxiety n thats probably the reason i dont have much friends or cant really have a proper conversation with people

and lastly i always think that i dont really have a future ahead of me like idk i just dont have a dream or ambition so what the fuck do i do. just asked here since this is the place where im the most comfortable at and where i can just express my feelings
24 04,2021