Oh shit that's an emergency go seek help girl   reply
09 07,2021
09 07,2021
I’m pretty sure that that’s not supposed to happen, I advise u to seek a professionallll go get helpppppp   reply
09 07,2021
Shadow 09 07,2021
If there's any wax left on your skin, remove it with oil, and then apply some baby cream like almond skin care cream. If it's in a bad state, then I advise you seek medical help. Good luck!   reply
09 07,2021
Bybyul 09 07,2021
Hii guys, so I read a post where this person was dissing the illegal readers (he/she wasn't wrong at all)so I'm sharing this info with u. There's a site called temp mail, use the email from the site (use those mails for sign in, they only remain for a period of 10 min) ull get coins enough for 2 chaps atleast by signing in. It's not much but it's......   reply
09 07,2021
09 07,2021
.... Go to the doctors I guess....   reply
09 07,2021
09 07,2021
Can't relate stay safe   reply
09 07,2021
Kughz 09 07,2021
Okay so basically I decided to wax my bikini line because I was watching a video on it and I wanted to see if it was acc painful so I bought some wax strips TELLL ME WHY A LAYER OF MY SKIN IS ON THE FUCKING STRIP like this shit is acc killing me and I acc don’t know what to do.
09 07,2021
I'm by no means a professional but have you ever considered that you may be gender fluid? I have a friend who is and your post reminded me of when I listened to them talking about how they felt. My advice would be to: 1. Seek professional help- A professional will give you a third person, UNBIASED perspective and help you understand your own feel......   reply
26 04,2021
Yuliy 26 04,2021
I feel like you may be Non-binary, I myself am Non-binary and used to feel uncomfortable with being seen as a she but felt better being seen as a guy however I felt the most comfortable when I came off as more androgynous, I feel like it suits me more to be referred to as they/them and not been seen as either gender. You don't need to label yoursel......   reply
26 04,2021
ri <3 26 04,2021
you might be trans or genderfluid, welcome to the alphabet mafia.   reply
26 04,2021

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